YIN-YANG: Full Moon in sidereal Pisces Sept 20th at 19:54 ET / Jupiter is with Saturn again

YIN-YANG: Full Moon in sidereal Pisces Sept 20th at 19:54 ET / Jupiter is with Saturn again


This Full Moon in 4°04 Pisces in Uttara Bhadrapada, whose name means “latter blessed feet,” is encouraging us to pull back, go inward and withdraw a bit – something Pisces is already inclined to do. This is a nice compliment to the Mars energy we’ve been working with (see last forecast) to make external shifts. Mars has been helpful in getting us moving and clearing out the physical obstructions: in the home, body and work space. This Full Moon is giving us a moment to pause from all we’ve been busy doing, and to look at the internal landscape – the emotions, the ideas, the beliefs and the dreams –to make sure we spend some time tending to them. They are the reason for what we do.


This Full Moon is the yin to Mars’ yang.


But it’s not all bubble baths and candles with this lunar sign. It’s a fierce spiritual warrior who recognizes the importance of giving space to tune in deeply to the inner voice. It cultivates its personal practices and is fearless about release and renewal: about facing and burning up the old (unhealthy habits, ideas, connections) so the new path can reveal itself and shine.


The first half of this week is an excellent time to consciously take space to reevaluate how we are actually spending our time vs how we truly want to be in the world. What do we consciously want to create? And can we recognize what was out of balance before? The Moon is pushing us to this space to get clear on how we want to engage moving forward.


Jupiter moved back into sidereal Capricorn this last week to join Saturn. These are also yin-yang energies: Jupiter is expansive / Saturn is restrictive. Until Nov 20, Jupiter must play by Saturn’s rules again, just like it did for the second half of 2020. As mentioned previously, we are now in the “revisiting covid-related restrictions” time.


When we look our own lives, Jup-Sat are giving us a chance to get stronger in our Selves, in our authority, in our offering. It can be a time of deep internal strengthening – of becoming more “swastha” – situated in the self – if we are able to work with Saturn with a plan, commitment and diligence.


PS: I am back to work, with clients booked until the end of the 2021. I am in the process of creating a new offering (very exciting!). Once I get my schedule figured out with this, and once my kids’ school schedules are as solid as they can be, I will try to find more dates for additional readings. I will let everyone know when I have opened up my calendar again. In the meantime, thank you for your patience and understanding!


Mercury Retrograde: Inner Strength / Keeping Up


Mars in sidereal Virgo and New Moon in Purva Phalguni