Mercury Retrograde: Inner Strength / Keeping Up


Mercury Retrograde: Sidereal Libra and Virgo: Sept 27th (1:11am ET) to Oct 19th (11:17am ET)


It is said retrogrades are stronger in the end. We review, revisit, revise and reassess when we enter into a retrograde time, as we are now (the third of 3 for 2021). Retrograde times can be incredibly reflective and insightful, although not exactly comfortable. For many, managing retrogrades with mindfulness can be tricky. We are quite familiar with the retrograde mishaps, which are inevitable and test our patience and ability to pivot with grace. Miscommunication and disinformation abound; computers, electronics and cars have issues; we run into people from the past, and revisit issues we thought we complete. The simple remedies: review everything multiple times before signing or sending; take time to pause and think before speaking; set alarms and give yourself plenty of time for the unexpected; and try not to take things personally. Retrograde times allow ideas or opportunities from the past reemerge, and we often find a draw to work on those “back burner projects” we have been meaning to get to.


From Sept 27-Oct 19, we have Mercury going retrograde and making connections with many planets: Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu, Sun and even the Moon. Whew! Mercury, like a chameleon, adjusts itself to whoever it is hanging out with. The interactions it will have this next 3 weeks may make our heads spin, and will keep pushing us to stay strong and centered in order to keep up. Emotions will be heightened around the New Moon on Oct 6. Be ready for it! Interestingly, the planets are all in angles from each other at this time, encouraging us to look at our ideals and beliefs. We can expect protests to occur after the first week as activist Mars and strong-willed Rahu show up prominently.


The signs Mercury is in (Libra then Virgo on Oct 1) favor strong personal health habits and practices, like abhyanga, GI tract/ digestive fire “agni” boosting support (see resources page), and pelvic strengthening practices. The idea is to take solid care of our bodies, focusing on the skin we live in to the microbiome we are made of.


PS: I am back to work, with clients booked until the end of the 2021. I am in the process of creating a new offering (very exciting!). Once I get my schedule figured out with this, I will try to find more dates for additional readings. I will let everyone know when I have opened up my calendar again. In the meantime, thank you for your patience and understanding!


New Moon in sidereal Virgo, in Hasta on Oct 6 at 7:06am Eastern Time: Purification then Manifestation


YIN-YANG: Full Moon in sidereal Pisces Sept 20th at 19:54 ET / Jupiter is with Saturn again