Mars in sidereal Virgo and New Moon in Purva Phalguni

Mars in Virgo Sept 5 - Oct 21, 2021: be discerning / New Moon Sept 6

Mars in Virgo is a utilitarian at heart, and will cut out practices which no longer serve, and take steps to implement appropriate ones. Of course this is preceded by ample reading, questions asked and answered, in true Virgo fashion. Mars is swift and Virgo is decisive (after it’s researched). Even though we will encounter some combustion along the way (as Mars gets closer to the Sun especially towards the end of the month), we should still feel like we are moving forward and tackling areas of our lives we’ve been putting off.

We’ve got a solid 6 weeks of this on our side (with some other tricky planetary events along the way), so take a minute to make a list of the things that have been on the back burner and are ready to be worked on. Mars in Virgo supports us to trust our gut about where to focus. Remember: Virgo rules the 6th house of digestion and integration, of health and wellness, of our daily routines (the “dinacharya” in Ayurvedic terms), and how we can be of service. Mars pulls our focus to areas it’s connecting with, so these ideas will be up in our field now. As the 6th house suggests, this is an excellent time to focus on boosting “agni,” the digestive fire. Check out the resources page on my website for how to boost agni (here:

On a (meta)physical level, Mars in Virgo has an affinity to strength building, physical fitness and mental endurance as Virgo is ruled by Mercury (the mind/ nervous system). Mars will also sit with Mercury over this next month, reinforcing the multi-level resilience we need. As always, it does its research and makes sure the program and practitioner are appropriate. Mars in Virgo asks us to focus on alignment and proper form.

In general, this can be an excellent combo to get things done: from cleaning out your closet to getting back on the yoga mat to getting the diet back on track. Mars in Virgo likes a good project and to stay busy, but the ones above are mentioned because this combo loves to clean things out meticulously and keep what’s useful.

When misdirected, however, this combo can get a little nit-picky, critical, and become a bit of a know it all — perhaps because it assumes others haven’t done the “proper research” like it has. It’s a good idea for all of us during this transit to take a breath and remember that if we are finding ourselves getting irritated (which both Mars and Virgo can easily become), then it might be more appropriate to take a step back and away before engaging.

New Moon in Purva Phalguni, a degree of sidereal Leo: Sept 6th at 20:52 eastern time

It’s been an incredibly challenging time for so many in this world. While we cannot discount what people are enduring or fighting for, this New Moon is simply reminding us to gather, to celebrate those we love and the things that bring joy to our lives. The chart of the New Moon suggests looking to the arts (especially music and viewing/creating art), being around children or childhood friends, spending time with our pets, and simply enjoying connected conversation. Be well everyone. These are indeed trying times for so many. May this New Moon help us to reconnect to our center and rekindle joy.

PS: I am back to work in the next 2 weeks, with clients booked until the end of the 2021. I am in the process of creating a new offering (very exciting!). Once I get my schedule figured out with this, and once my kids’ school schedules are as solid as they can be, I will try to find more dates for additional readings. I will let everyone know when I have opened up my calendar again. In the meantime, thank you for your patience and understanding!


YIN-YANG: Full Moon in sidereal Pisces Sept 20th at 19:54 ET / Jupiter is with Saturn again


On Vacation… Major Planetary events for end of July and August