Venus shifts into sidereal Pisces: dream into reality

Venus Shifts March 2021.jpg

There’s a shift taking place (March 16 until April 9) as Venus moves into its exalted sign of Pisces. Venus is the planet of love and relationships, of art and creativity, of connection and compromise. It is sensual by nature, and while in Pisces, it embodies the romantic ideals we daydream about: getting swept away in the fantasy, the poetry, and in the sweet and tender side of love.

However there’s a catch this time around. Ketu and Saturn are connecting with Venus, creating some tension - making us bounce back and forth between the “dream” and “reality”. Ketu whispers to Venus to go all in and allow itself to get lost in the dream, even if it risks confusion. Meanwhile Saturn slams on the breaks and has a talk with Venus making sure its feet are firmly planted on the ground in the here and now.

But it doesn’t have to be so separate. This is the challenge and the beauty of the next month: how strongly do you believe in your dream? In your vision? Venus is Pisces is encouraging us to dive into the dream, while Saturn is keeping an eye on us making sure we don’t get lost. Ketu is strengthening our intuition and dropping hints of where to go next. We must honor these two as they are both influencing Venus.

The key questions to consider this next month:

Are you taking consistent, solid and inspired steps to manifest this dream on the earth plane - in the here and now?

Or is your dream still swirling around in the ether element because you either feel lost or confused don’t know how to proceed?

Or do you doubt your vision or don’t believe it’s possible?

This is a month where we can dive all in with the dream, feel the possibilities and also take steps to creating it. Utilizing the planets at play, we can honor their energies - as opposite as they are - and not state one is more important than the other.

All that is manifested around us now was once an inspired dream. Keep that in mind as you move through the doubt and confusion that may pop up over the next month. Stay strong in your vision- and open to the poetry and romance.


Full Moon in Sidereal Virgo in Hasta: Namaste


New Moon in 28°54 sidereal Aquarius: Break on through