Full Moon in Sidereal Virgo in Hasta: Namaste


Full Moon in Sidereal Virgo in Hasta: Namaste  

This upcoming Full Moon on March 28th at 14:48 EDT is in a beautiful degree of sidereal Virgo called Hasta, which means “the blessing hand” in Sanskrit. Hasta is ruled by the Moon and Mercury – the heart and the mind – and so has a very strong left-right brain connection. It knows how to drop into its heart (right hemisphere), but also has a draw to do the research and “get the facts” (left hemisphere). While it has incredible energetic abilities and presents them in a grounded way, it recognizes not everyone believes that which is unseen, and so tends to have the science in its back pocket to support its insights. As such, it is trusted and has the ability to bridge different groups, adding value along the way.


Hasta has healing hands, with its power being to remove blockages and manifest desires. The usage of hands-on healing modalities will be very much supported in this upcoming full moon time: reiki, massage, lymphatic massage, polarity work, etc. Remember Dr. Vasant Lad’s quote over the next few days: “the issues are in the tissues” reminding us that working on and with the body to help clear stagnation is up for us all.


This Vedic sign and the placement in the chart of the exact moment of the full moon benefits from using its hands in an artistic way – with writing, painting, drawing, crafting – whatever creative expression feels best for you. And of course this Full Moon gravitates towards lending a helping hand. If you know anyone with this nakshatra prominent in their charts, you can attest to their consistent caretaking and support of others in need.


This full moon connects to sidereal Virgo, the mutable earth, where all things go to be churned, processed, assimilated and used for future growth. Planting seeds physically and energetically, and tending to your “garden” is a perfect expression for this time. Remember: follow your heart but do the research as it will make you stronger in your seat and on your path ahead.


While the sign ruling this Full Moon tends to be a good mediator, it is managing some interesting energies, and so needs some added support and upliftment. Rahu and Jupiter are connecting with it, as are Venus and the Sun. This can create elevated yogic abilities: meaning being able to focus on one’s unique spiritual path. However, Jupiter and Rahu (both visionaries) can overextend and throw us off our centers if not grounded with “realistic” plans. Venus and the Sun remind us to manage our expectations – of ourselves – and to root into our core (yoga poses focusing on the pelvis are supportive).

The left-right brain connection with Hasta benefits from “nadi shodhana” or alternate nostril breathing. This helps to regulate the hemispheres of the brain, decreases anxiety and calms the nervous system in a very short time. (See the Basic Pranayama video on my resources page: https://www.lexneon.com/resources)


IMPORTANT: This Moon is considered to be unsupported, which will continue into half of each month through the first half of 2021. What this means for all of us is we are on a bit of an emotional rollercoaster where we may feel connected and supported for a few weeks, and then alone, isolated and even abandoned for the other half of the month. Knowing this energy is strong for 2021, it’s important to reach out for support. Set up calls with friends to check in on each other, ask for help and allow yourself loving kindness, and practice other lunar remedies: https://www.lexneon.com/resources.


Putting hands together in “Anjali mudra” or namaste/meditative prayer hands is a beautiful expression for this Full Moon time. It is symbolic of honoring the present moment (“be here now”), and stimulates “anahata chakra” or the 4th chakra of the heart center, exactly what this world needs. This gesture of hands united over the heart says so much without saying a word.





It is advised to revisit the Mars-Rahu “rocket ship” post as we have already experienced multiple traumatizing “explosions” on the earth plane. Please be cautious and lay low on the days around March 26, when Rahu and Mars conjoin in exact degrees.



Please join us today at 4:00 EDT on Clubhouse for more insights and remedies about the Full Moon: https://www.joinclubhouse.com/event/MRDXjGZ5


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