New Moon in 28°54 sidereal Aquarius: Break on through

March 13 Unicorn.jpg

The New Moon on Saturday, March 13 at 5:20 EST (11:20am CET) will be in Purva Bhadrapada, a sign that is unique, intense and eccentric. It tends to be peace-loving and fairly chill… however it can flip a switch and be the exact opposite, and it’s not fun to be on the receiving end. Knowing this and that New Moons in general give us a chance for release and renewal, this lunar event is a time to be mindful of our triggers. Breathwork helps us stay rooted and grounded, and releases toxins. Both are key as this New Moon has strong associations with “vata” (ether/air elements), “sauchya” (purification from the yogic yamas/niyamas), and weathering the storms within.

We have been through so much this last year. We have all lost a lot, with many consciously releasing from what has not been in true alignment. We buckled up a month ago and boarded the Mars-Rahu rocket ship that is shifting things quickly around and within us, while we try to stay grounded. This is the backdrop for the New Moon that comes along to remind us that if we really want to launch to our personal heights, we must stop playing small, stop feeding our inner demons and instead face them and do our shadow work. (more below) If we don’t, we will constantly be triggered and exhausted.

The veil is thin with this New Moon which connects with the funeral pyre and the two-faced man and has the ability see through to the other side, and transmute any pent-up intensity or aggression and have it work for us. Authenticity is what we are striving for, but we must first face what we may not want to. We also connect now with a little-known deity named Ajaikapada, the one-footed goat who is a form of Rudra (the god of the storms and an aspect of Shiva) whose means "he who eradicates problems from its roots." Purification and staying rooted within the storm keeps showing up.

That’s our work to do. Then it’s time to shine like that ray of sunlight or the unicorn we know we are (both are also symbols of this sign). This isn’t silly stuff. This is why we are embodied: to share who we are, authentically and without fear and ego standing in our way.

Some ideas of how to utilize this New Moon’s energy:

1) Have a fire ceremony: write down the areas in your life you are wanting to break free from such as habits you are ready to release, emotional patterns that are not serving you, and anything else that comes up. As my beloved teacher Betheyla would say, “throw it in the fire pit!”

2) Take time to write down 3-5 #IAmRemarkable statements about yourself, from the personal and professional perspective. Do this after the burning ceremony to reinforce your abilities and to embrace all you are.

3) Fast on this Saturday. In Ayurveda, that means giving your GI tract a break rather that going into ketosis, so have kitchari for lunch and spiced milk or broth morning and night.

4) Clean out the clutter! As the kapha melts, the attachments loosen and we are able to let go.

5) Do grounding yoga asana, focusing on the legs and pelvis.

6) Sweat or hop into a sauna.

Clubhouse talk coming up at 3:00pm eastern time today (Thursday) where we will talk more about this New Moon - there's a lot more to it! Join us here - we will probably talk for about an hour:

The #IamRemarkable activity explained:


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