Venus Retrograde: Love Re-envisioned

Venus is retrograde from Dec 19 until Jan 29, 2022. Venus is in cautious Capricorn, where it recently moved to connect with practical Saturn and chaotic Rahu (and transformative Pluto). This may create retiscence mixed with intense outbursts. On the night of Dec 29, Venus will roll back to spend time with adventurous Sagittarius until Feb 26, where it may be more eager to explore different views and paths.


Thankfully, Venus can be a master mediator. While retrograde until Jan 29, it may sit us down and act as conflict resolution specialist, asking us to review our past, focusing on Venus’ areas of expertise: creativity, art, beauty, love, relationship, commitment, and compromise.


Over the next 6 weeks, Venus retro will give us opportunities to revisit times when we weren’t the best version of ourselves in our connections. We may find old pains or love issues reemerge, and past partners may even reach out. We can sit and wait to see how it unwinds, or we can go into these retrograde weeks mindfully and take time to reflect on Love and our relationship to it. We will also be asked to look into our creative process, and how we are honoring art in our lives. Remember: retrogrades can stop us in our tracks in order to get us to think, discuss, and meditate before we decide. If a topic has presented many times before, then retrogrades encourage us to (finally) take action. Retrogrades can at first feel tough, but they often times offer us great opportunities for personal development if we are able to see what lessons are presenting, even in difficult situations.


Some questions to consider this Venus retrograde:

• Are you being steady with your affection?

• Are you holding yourself back and not exhibiting love?

• Are you being erratic with your loved ones?

• Which expressions are truly authentic to you, and which are rooted in hurt, pride, or shame?

• Are you honoring your creative side, or judging it?

• Have you explored different artistic expressions?

• Have you consistently carved out time for the arts?

• Are you willing to look at how Venus expresses in your life?


painting: Dante and Beatrice in Heaven by Gustave Doré (and added filters)



*My automated scheduler is up! Thank you for your patience and understanding during these last few months!




Full Moon in sidereal Gemini: Live and let live