Full Moon in sidereal Gemini: Live and let live 

The Full Moon on Dec 18 at 23:36 eastern time is a gentle light in the midst of the current astrological intensity we are experiencing (see previous post on Mars-Ketu).


Known as “the searching star,” the Full Moon in Mrigashirsha, a degree of sidereal Gemini, is kind and inquisitive. It will be greatly healing if we can carry its sweetness, joy and enthusiasm with us over the next few weeks.


Yet, it comes with its own set of precautionary tips, which may be helpful as many go into spending time with others:


Mrigashirsha thrives on discussions and discovery. Good conversations and connections absolutely feed our souls. However, sometimes the nourishment once received can’t be found where it was before. This Full Moon’s symbol of the deer reminds us it’s ok to “wander off” to search for what you need. Having a level of loving detachment around this will be helpful, rather than becoming judgmental or upset. Live and let live. 


Each of us is responsible for how we use own Prana - our vital life force. How we engage (and disengage) with others during this time is in focus. Pick your battles. Balancing pranayama (focused breathing) is recommended.


The configurations of this Full Moon time show being torn between dynamic connections and getting super involved, and pulling inwards towards mental/emotional self care. This balancing act is tricky! Check in with yourself and others often as exhaustion is possible these days.


Thankfully, protective and uplifting Jupiter is supporting this Full Moon, keeping it mindful and joyous. Jupiter also recommends boosting up our nervous systems with healthy fats: for ex omegas, ghee, walnut oil, avocado internally, and abhyanga on the skin (more on this deeply restorative Ayurvedic self massage, see resources page: https://www.lexneon.com/resources. Pranayama is just below the abhyanga section - both very important at this time.)

Mrigashirsha also indicates new paths are possible, something many are eager for. (Good news: more of this is coming in the next few months!) Taking time to discuss and reflect on what this might look like for each of us is a beautiful expression of this Full Moon time.

*My automated scheduler is up! Thank you for your patience and understanding during these last few months!


Venus Retrograde: Love Re-envisioned


MARS IN SCORPIO WITH KETU: Dec 4-Jan 16, 2022: Check Yourself