Total Lunar Eclipse May 26, 2021 at 7:13am ET in sidereal Scorpio in Anuradha: Release and Reveal


Full Lunar Eclipse May 26, 2021 at 7:13am ET in sidereal Scorpio in Anuradha: Release and Reveal


Eclipses are intense karmic moments which shine the spotlight on what’s been hidden, allowing truths to emerge. Personal revelations and shifts are prominent during the days surrounding an eclipse, especially if our charts are being directly affected by the eclipse degrees (11:16 sidereal Scorpio). We even see secrets coming out of the woodwork and often in very public ways. Depending on its placement in our personal charts, eclipses can usher in massive changes suddenly, or help us turn our focus to areas in our lives ready to be worked on.


The classic Vedic texts say it is best for all of us to use the time surrounding an eclipse for meditation and internal reflection. The Scorpio energy of this particular total lunar eclipse is great at helping us release of old stuck emotions. This eclipse reminds us our daily practices and personal self care and friend check-ins are paramount over the next year.


This lunar eclipse is in a beautiful degree of sidereal Scorpio called Anuradha, whose name means “bright star” in Sanskrit, and whose driving motivations are to calmly preserve and to be a supportive friend. It is ruled by Mars and Saturn, so having a plan and taking slow but steady action is one of its fortes. Just remember: we have plenty of retrogrades happening over the coming weeks (Mercury retrograde on May 29) which encourage us to reflect on where we’ve been and even adjust our plans.


Anuradha’s symbol of the lotus blossom reminds us blooming takes time... and that we are still capable of flowering even when we feel we’ve been stuck in the mud or confused by the cloudy waters. Reflecting on these expressions in our own lives is encouraged, as well as keeping these ideas with us as we move ahead in time. We can ask ourselves (about the past and for the days to come):


🌸Where have there been struggles?

🌸Has support shown up, in what form?

🌸When have we been the support?

🌸What seemed murky?

🌸What is now showing its potential?

🌸What has to be released in order to grow into this new expression?

🌸What’s personal care is being done to support the release and reveal process?


PS: it’s recommended that pregnant women not look directly at the eclipse. And as with all major planetary shifts, sensitive ones tend to feel them more intensely than others, so it’s a good idea to check in these people in our lives as they might require additional support.



Mercury Retrograde: Where Truth Resides


Saturn Retrograde: May 23 - October 10: Rethinking service and presence