Mercury Retrograde: Where Truth Resides

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Mercury Retrograde: Where Truth Resides


Mercury will be retrograde from May 29 at 18:34 until June 22 18:00 eastern time, starting off in sidereal Gemini in Mrigashirsha, the “searching star” (ruled by Mercury and Mars), and shifting on June 2 into Rohini (ruled by Venus and the Moon) in sidereal Taurus. There’s a beautiful connection with these two which revolves around seeking out what the heart needs most: love, comfort, connection and ultimately enlightenment. The tools these two Vedic signs reach for are things like: reading poetry, journeying without a destination, connecting to the arts and nourishing the body and soul. There’s a gentleness inherent in these signs which is being challenged by feisty and even judgmental Mars, so we need to take a step back and remind ourselves that sometimes the best experiences aren’t planned. Thankfully Jupiter is also connecting with Mercury until June 2, giving it the ability to have a perspective before it jumps to conclusions.


And as always, slow deep breaths are a way to ground this Mercury time which can often make us flighty, nervous and anxious. Feeling into what the deeper individualized search and trusting our paths as wandering as they seem, and allowing ourselves some grace as we work with the retrogrades and eclipses of the moment will be beneficial over the next month. Simply put, this Mercury is asking us to drop from our heads and into our hearts and remember that this is where the Truth lives.


*Many of us are familiar with the main issues that arise when Mercury goes retrograde: communication on many levels goes haywire; computers, phones and cars break down; miscommunication happens; people from the past come up, as well as issues and thoughts. Definitely review documents, rehearse important conversations, have to do lists and reminder alarms set so you don’t miss anything. Try to embrace this time as best you can – and remember that retrogrades gives us a chance to take a big step back and gain perspective. It is a useful time for review, recalibrating, and releasing. Being in between eclipses magnifies the already heightened energy present.


SOLAR ECLIPSE June 10 6:51am eastern time: Wander and Root Down


Total Lunar Eclipse May 26, 2021 at 7:13am ET in sidereal Scorpio in Anuradha: Release and Reveal