Saturn Retrograde: May 23 - October 10: Rethinking service and presence


When a planet goes retrograde, it appears to make a U-turn in the sky. As it rolls backwards in degrees, we initially get to pause and reflect on the path we’ve been on and survey the landscape around us, finding the areas that were missed or are in need of adjustment before we set out on our path again. We get to revisit ideas and projects we thought were complete (sometimes with excitement or sometimes begrudgingly), and even engage with old ideas we are finally ready to focus on.

Retrogrades offer us a chance to check in with ourselves, our connections, our attitudes, our passion and frustration, and take a moment to think about how we’ve been engaging with the planet’s focus areas. Retrogrades ask us: what needs adjusting and what’s been neglected?

Saturn (which is retrograde from May 23-Oct 10) likes consistency, discipline, dedication and service. Saturn while in sidereal Capricorn has been encouraging us to step into our mastery and show up authentically to serve with dedication - and healthy boundaries. As it goes retrograde for the next 4.5 months, we get to take a moment to see how we have been engaging with these areas in our lives.

We can align and uplift Saturn in our lives by pausing and pondering the questions below. We can also implement Saturn remedies during this time (see Planetary Remedies link Saturn likes to see we are putting in the effort so it’s helpful to write out our answers to these questions and journal how we are adjusting. Remember: Saturn retrograde is more about the flow rather than Saturn’s typical rigidity so finding our groove again is what this time is about:

Have we been present and supportive, or have we been overextending?
Are we feeling authentically connected to what we have been spending time on?
Are we carrying the load alone, or do we need to ask for help?
Is there enough self care and personal time, or have we been giving away our energy?
Do we feel on track and aligned? Or are there spots to tweak in our path and plan?
Are we waking up with a sense of purpose or feeling resentment for what the day has in store?

Next up - forecasts to come:
-Mercury retro May 29-June 22: focus on regrouping, grounding and how we want to best connect... and yes miscommunications and missteps often occur so prepare in advance as best you can, and be ready for delays
-Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio May 26: purge the old entrenched emotions, release from what no longer serves

-Solar Eclipse in Taurus June 10: focus on rooting and grounding, building and prosperity

-Jupiter retro June 20-Oct 18: revisiting trust and faith


Total Lunar Eclipse May 26, 2021 at 7:13am ET in sidereal Scorpio in Anuradha: Release and Reveal


New Moon in Krittika: How’s your fire burning?