SOLAR ECLIPSE June 10 6:51am eastern time: Wander and Root Down


SOLAR ECLIPSE: Wander and Root Down

Eclipses shine a spotlight on areas of our lives that have been forgotten, hidden or simply ignored. The Solar Eclipse on June 10th at 6:51am eastern time is in sidereal Taurus with an overarching focus on property and finances, and on being rooted and grounded. Taking a good look at these areas of our lives is an important part of 2021 as a whole, with eclipses triggering the reflection and encouraging meditation. Wherever the eclipse sits in our own birth charts shows additional areas asking for more intention and attention.


When we go deeper into this solar eclipse energy, we see that it takes place in the final degrees of sidereal Taurus, in Mrigashirsha nakshatra, a sign known for its gentle and kind spirit. It is a seeker at heart who will go the distance, finding the nourishment it needs along the way. While it is up for adventure, its ultimate pursuit is that of enlightenment. This eclipse highlights our retreat spaces, our quiet time, our personal meditative practices – or conversely, how we might try to escape and numb ourselves from this journey we are all on.


We have also been working with Mars in Cancer the last week (until July 21), which is a challenging connection for Mars who is a feisty fighter, likes to take direct action, often times creating friction for change and activism. While in the sign of Cancer, it goes inward and is more emotional, quiet and indirect. It can get overwhelmed by feelings and unsure how to clearly express itself. However, a beautiful manifestation of this time is a focus on the home and heart, and on protecting and nurturing the vulnerable ones around us.


This eclipse and the retrogrades are doing the same thing in their own ways. We are being asked to take a step back, look at our personal practices, our introspective time, and to regroup and ground into these once again. Engaging with the vagus nerve (“the wanderer”) during this time will be helpful as it connects to all organs (except adrenals) and drops us into the parasympathetic nervous system (see below). Mrigashirsha reminds us we are on a journey that may take twists and turns, all the while finding our way back home.



*The vagus nerve, which journeys from the head to the abdomen, is said to support us in managing stress and anxiety, and enhances our joy and connectivity. Here are some simple and free things we can all do daily to enhance our vagal nerve tone:

·      Breathe: deep belly breaths with a longer exhale than inhale

·      Massage, especially the neck and belly

·      Hum, chant aum, sing, gargle

·      Cold exposure: finish with a cold shower or take a cold plunge

·      Meditate

·      Exercise

·      Be in nature 


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