Planetary Madness!


How’s everyone holding up? Wacky weather up there lately here’s a way to view what’s going on. Think of the planets all taking a flight. They were all strapped in, the plane took off, everyone ate dinner, and now it’s that post-meal mayhem. These planetary passengers on the plane are all wandering about the cabin bumping into your elbow or uncomfortably squeezing by you to get to the bathroom or hanging out by your chair talking while you try to sleep... not fun! But... there’s not a lot we can do about it except shift our arm a bit and mind our own business (aka meditate and focus on our ego reactions) Mercury goes direct June 22, and Mars is in sidereal cancer until July 21... and let’s not get too worked up yet about Saturn and Jupiter. So we still have some time until that captain comes over the loudspeaker and asks everyone to take their seats. In the meantime, deep breaths and fake read the in-flight magazine. The aisle will start to clear up soon!


Jupiter Retrograde: Make the vision manageable to prevent burnout


SOLAR ECLIPSE June 10 6:51am eastern time: Wander and Root Down