New Moon in Krittika: How’s your fire burning?


 The New Moon each month supports us in reestablishing ourselves. It can be like a mini self-assessment where we get a chance to feel into where we might be experiencing a slight wobble internally. This time of year, the New Moon is often in sidereal Aries, supporting us to take charge of our health and wellness, and to reignite our passion.

The upcoming New Moon on Tuesday, May 11th at 2:59pm eastern time in Krittika “the cutter,” a degree of sidereal Aries, brings us back to basics. Agni is in focus, reminding us it’s time to give a slight tune up to our inner fire that helps us process all that is on “our plate.” Yes “agni” helps us to break down and integrate the nutrition from the food we eat, but it also supports us in digesting everything we experience in our lives: the mental, emotional and societal stuff we are always taking in. We have all been absorbing a lot, so our internal fires will likely need some tending to. (Scroll down for Ayurvedic Nutrition on how:

Krittika is an excellent decision maker and leader. It encourages us to take stock of where we are with our emotions, our diet and our lifestyle choices, and begin to make adjustments. Krittika understands that true leadership comes from a place of inspiration and being able to shine our authentic lights brightly. This Moon is giving a chance to take a moment to reflect on how we’re feeling. Do we have the fire we need to keep moving forward, or do we need a moment to recalibrate? Are we being bright beacons of light during this time, authentically showing who we know we are? Or are we experiencing a wobble somewhere? Going back to basics can help.


*Over the next few weeks, we will begin to enter into a season of reassessment with some retrogrades and eclipses coming up, so it’s important to take stock now and kindle that fire:


Some planetary events this month that can feel destabilizing:

Lunar Eclipse: May 26

Solar Eclipse: June 10

Mercury retrograde (in Gemini and Taurus) May 29-June 22

Jupiter retrograde June 20-Oct 18

Jupiter rejoins Saturn in sidereal Capricorn Sept 14-Nov 20

Saturn retrograde May 23-Oct 10


Saturn Retrograde: May 23 - October 10: Rethinking service and presence


Full Moon in Swati: Nourish the Seedlings