SATURN RETROGRADE: It’s ok to fall apart a little

SATURN RETROGRADE: It’s ok to fall apart a little

Saturn likes order, discipline, commitment, and above all, for us to be of service. As Saturn goes retrograde from June 4 at 17:47pm - Oct 23 at 00:08am eastern time, we may feel the areas it governs in our lives flip upside down as it gives us new perspective of the path we’re on, as well as chances to make adjustments.

It will start off in Aquarius where it has been for the last month, and will roll back into Capricorn from July 12-Jan 17, 2023. While in Capricorn, we will revisit where it was from Jan 23, 2020 until April 28, 2022, and tie up any loose ends from that time. We may even readdress and adjust decisions made then that aren’t working out the way we had envisioned. Questions to consider:


1.     Do you feel grounded? Saturn likes predictability and routine. When it goes retrograde, it can feel like we are on shaky ground. We can use this as a time to trim the old before we regroup. Because Saturn likes “right action,” it’s a time to reconsider where we’ve been and where we want to go. Saturn is slow; this will take time.

2.     Do you have boundaries up? Saturn retrograde gives us space to review what we’ve been accepting and what we are ready to release. This is a time when resolutions and forgiveness are possible.

3.     What are you working on manifesting at the moment? Saturn retrograde can make us pause and reassess what we’ve been focusing on. We get to reconsider our platform, and even dismantle it for a moment, so that we can rebuild it stronger. Most importantly, it asks us how we are being of service.

4.     What systems are being used? As Saturn goes retrograde, we are being given a chance to see if *how* we are working is actually how we *want* to be working. This is an opportunity to rethink how you go about your day.

5.     How’s your commitment? Saturn Retrograde is a rule breaker! The regular responsibilities you’ve been shouldering may now feel like you’re overextending. This is a chance to pull back and see what feels best and in alignment. Saturn wants us to regard what it touches in our charts as a practice, a dedication, a lesson. It’s a good time to rethink how we show up and why.



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