New Moon in Taurus: What is Enough?

New Moon in Taurus: What is Enough?

On Monday, May 30th at 7:30am eastern time, we will have a New Moon in sidereal Taurus in one of the most favored Vedic nakshatras: Rohini, the Red One or the Ascended One. It’s a beautiful sign that offers us comfort and some relief from the challenges of human existence. Being ruled by Venus and the Moon (both loving and nurturing planets by nature), it brings our focus to our physical embodiment. Taurus follows Aries, a sign that can kick up the dust and create friction often times for change. Now with the Moon in Rohini, it is helping us to safely rest back into our bodies again so we are able to keep moving forward with strength, putting our focus on security and abundance in order to help manifest our desires. Now is a good moment to feel into what we would like to manifest in terms of these areas of life. Mars in Taurus from August 2022 to March 2023 will help us get it done. (See commentary at the end for more on this.)

The tricky side of this New Moon is that Rohini can have a “the grass is always greener on the other side” complex, and never seems fully satisfied even when it has everything it always wanted. But Rohini isn’t only about material abundance. One of its symbols is the banyan tree, where Buddha was said to have attained enlightenment. The other is the chariot, reminding us we are the drivers and must be actively involved in our human lives. One might also say the chariot is even symbolic of the human body: the vehicle where the experience of the physical and spiritual come together. It’s interesting that one symbol is actively moving forward while the other is engaging inwardly.

This New Moon begs us to ask ourselves the following questions:

✨What does true abundance mean?

✨Where are you in this process of creating abundance on all levels (material, spiritual, emotional…) in life?

✨Are you focusing more on one area of “abundance” and discounting others?

✨Are you happy, or are you always comparing what you “have” to what others have?

✨What is enough?

Looking ahead: The next few days are a good time to think about these ideas of abundance and what that means for you. This New Moon is sitting with Mercury retrograde (which is going direct on June 3) so it’s naturally a reflective moment. The seeds being planted now will manifest more obviously when Mars is in Taurus from early August 2022-March 2023, giving us a lot of energy to make these dreams we are focusing on now take deeper root. The May 30th New Moon will influence this time ahead, as does the current Mars-Jupiter in Pisces connection (see previous forecast).

Important info on Mars: The last week of June through the first week of August will have Mars conjunct Rahu in Aries. Historically, this connection (which only happens about once every 18 years for about a month) will create intensity, pressure, and activism. It can be incredibly transformative and forward thinking, but is also an explosive combination that needs very strict and clear focus and direction. It is recommended to double and triple check what we are doing so plans can be carried out to a T. Otherwise Mars and Rahu -specifically in Aries- can be very volatile. It will be important for each of us to get clear on where we want to put our energy as these 6 weeks will be triggering for many. Thankfully, Mars will be sitting in Taurus for a good 7 months (August 2022-March 2023), helping us stay focused, have determination, and take solid steps forward. We are in interesting times of change where the old ways are being challenged and changed… but this of course will take time and isn’t always easy or pretty. Real change requires patience, steady commitment, and seeds planted deep and with intention. The upcoming Mars in Taurus 7+ month stretch will be supportive of manifesting the new in a rooted, grounded and abundant way.



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