June 14th FULL MOON in JYESHTHA: Daring/Courage

FULL MOON in JYESHTHA: Daring/Courage

The Full Moon on Tuesday, June 14 at 7:52am eastern time is in a degree of sidereal Scorpio called Jyeshtha, meaning “the eldest” and is ruled by Indra, the King of the Gods. This Full Moon is a protector – a dragon slayer – who helps us to confront and release from our deepest fears. It offers us a chance to rise into our courageous and caring sides, dropping the need for attention and instead focusing on building our dharmic drive. It also warns us that a love of power can ultimately create massive undoing, and so encourages us to keep our hearts pure and daring.

The planets are always offering us opportunities for reflection, growth and change. This Full Moon asks us:

• Can you identify what are you moving away from? And moving towards?

• What are the most obvious and subtle shifts you are making? Think about different aspects of life.

• How does this transition feel?

• Is where you are/where you’re going feel fully supportive?

• Are you responsible for others in any way? How does this feel?

• Are you coming from a place of love or ego?

• Is it challenging moving forward?

The “gandanta/tied knot” energy of this particular Full Moon is about unraveling and releasing something we’ve been stuck on* as we prepare to cross the (emotional/ spiritual/ personal/ professional/ etc) bridge ahead. The key is to patiently take out each strand rather than trying to yank and force its release. “Knots” can be complicated so we have to inspect and respect each thread as we lovingly release (from) them. This care will help us to understand our personal journeys more clearly.

We have an intense time ahead of us from the end of June to the beginning of August when Mars joins Rahu in sidereal Aries. It may be volatile or transformative, but either way will call us into action to stand up and protect what we believe in. This Full Moon is asking us to feel into what we can get behind, be the spiritual warriors we are, and keep our motives rooted in love and protection.

*This Full Moon links back into the eclipses of June 2020 and December 2021, helping to bring insight and closure to events and emotions from that time.



MARS-RAHU in ARIES June 26-Aug 10: Focus on the track, or create chaos in the field?


SATURN RETROGRADE: It’s ok to fall apart a little