Rahu in Aries / Ketu in Libra: What’s Your Focus? Who are Your People?

The Nodes of the Moon are shifting: Rahu in Aries / Ketu in Libra: What’s Your Focus? Who are Your People? March 16, 2022 at 21:00 until Nov 28, 2023 at 16:00 eastern time


This Rahu in Aries/Ketu in Libra time will find us bouncing between fulfilling our desires and aligning with those around us. Rahu signifies our karmic superhighway, the direction we are heading in, the path we must embark on this time around. Aries is bold, excited, adventurous, argumentative, impulsive, eager and full of energy. It can get itself into hot water when it acts before it thinks. Ketu signifies our karmic insights, what we intuitively know from our past experiences, and the gifts we came into this life with. Libra is charming, sophisticated, persuasive, a skilled artist and mediator who focuses on connection, beauty and calm. It can be indecisive if it spends too much time trying to find balance.


When you merge the Nodes with the signs: Rahu in Aries is a total go-getter, game-changer, excitement-maker, rallying the troops screaming “woohoo! let’s get moooving!” It requires guidance and a structured plan (with room for play and change), and a strong moral compass, otherwise it can bring about mindless destruction and major errors that can be hard to correct. Ketu in Libra is a gifted businessperson (esp in social media, film, photography) who can magically get the job done, seemingly without much effort. But it needs to be rooted in reality rather than merely selling the image without the substance.


As a collective, we all currently have the karma to focus on Rahu in Aries and Ketu in Libra. Simply put: What’s your focus? Who are your people? Where are you eager to take action? Is there a plan? Is there weight to it? Is it doable? Is it safe and fair?


When we are working with the Nodes, we are always taking things to the next level, going one step beyond what we thought was possible. Exploration and elevation are their strong suits, while addiction, burn out and escapism are signs they have forgotten their healthy boundaries, overextended, and spun out of control. As Rahu and Ketu are connected to the Moon, they regroup well with time away and personal care practices.



The Nodes of the Moon shift about every 18 months, so the last time we connected to this Aries-Libra combo was about 18 years ago: Sept 2003-Feb 2005. Look back in your own life (and in history) to see what you experienced during this time, how it influenced you and what types of decisions you made then that may show up again in the next 18-20 months. What was your focus during this time? Who were you connecting with? How did your world change and expand? Were you adventurous? Did you trust your inner guidance, especially in partnerships? Did you feel motivated to make a change in the world? Who did you align with to be able to do the work you were driven to do?


Before this was Feb 1985-Aug 1986 / July 1966-Jan 1968 / Dec 1947-June 1949 / March 1929-Oct 1930. Stand-out dates I am looking into during this Rahu-Ketu transit are July 2022 when Rahu and Mars come together in Aries, and October 2023 when Ketu and Mars come together in Libra. More on those later.



FULL MOON in Uttara Phalguni: Connect and Find Joy


New Moon, Venus-Mars intensity: Be the change