New Moon, Venus-Mars intensity: Be the change

New Moon, Venus-Mars intensity: Be the change

This week and this New Moon find us with almost every planet is in Saturn’s signs. Saturn likes structure and can feel strict, confining and like a taskmaster. It admires traditions, authority, and doing things the old-school tried-and-true way. When its influence is strong as it has been, it takes enormous effort to move forward, many times because bureaucracy gets in the way. On a personal level, we can criticize ourselves for never being (good) enough.


But change is coming.


This New Moon in Satabhishak on March 2 at 12:34pm eastern time is the harbinger of a new day; we just have to plant the seeds and do the work. The Vedic sign “Satabhishak” means “hundred physicians” in Sanskrit and reminds us the true definition of health is to be “swastha” – situated/rooted in the self: heart, mind, body, soul. We as a collective need support becoming more swashta, and so this New Moon tells us to rummage around our toolboxes, reach out to our practitioners, into our inner guru, and try out multiple healing modalities concurrently to help us navigate the time we are in. This energetic will remain prominent beyond the March New Moon, through April and into early May as Jupiter, Venus and Mars all make their way through this specific part of Aquarius.


While we are in a time of massive change (through April), the last few and the next few weeks may feel like wading through murky waters. For those who are sensitive to the energies, they may feel they on the brink of something new and unidentifiable, which is exciting and unsettling. Those who are not tuned into the subtleties may feel anxiety and deep despair (which is not hard given the state of the world and the amount of exhaustion so many feel from the last few years). We all need to get (Saturn-approved) organized and prioritize healing.


The shift Jupiter made from sidereal Capricorn into Aquarius on Nov. 20, 2021 offered us some hope for brighter days, which were emerging. (Jupiter is still laying the path for Saturn’s anticipated shift at the end of April 2022.) On Feb 26/27, Mars and Venus, already in planetary war, entered into Capricorn deepening the internal dis-ease we had begun to feel since mid-Feb, and pushing it onto the world stage. Think of this Venus-Mars planetary war like a baseball coach and umpire in an up-close and red-faced argument, blind to their surroundings and therefore lacking perspective. For many, forward movement will seem impossible until mid-March since these two planets are still in tight conjunction, creating a thick and heavy tension within each of us, making us feel into what isn’t quite right in our lives… and to figure out what this misalignment is all about. Some might be able to identify what needs to be tweaked and will begin to take action. For most, however, it will take until these planets break free from each other to see clearly again and re-emerge.


Once we get on the other side in a few months, the energy will be different and much lighter than it is now as we will also have had major planets moving into new signs: Rahu and Ketu shift into Aries and Libra mid-March, Jupiter shifts into sidereal Pisces mid-April and Saturn shifts into sidereal Aquarius at the end of April. These are all welcome changes and something we have all been waiting for since these planets are finally moving away from each other, just like Venus and Mars will be doing in June. But remember: not all welcome change and may put up a fight when they feel it approaching. Stay swastha.


Mahatma Gandhi’s famous quote is something to embody about as we move through our personal process and resurface: “You must be the change you wish to see in the world.”



A brief comment about the war:

I have looked at the charts of Ukraine, Russia, Zelensky and Putin to try to understand what is going on. I have a lot I can write, but the main message is: while there is and has been layered tension in the charts of the countries, there is much more explosive volatility in *Putin’s* chart. It really seems this war is by him and about him. I (hope and) don’t think the war will last that long; in fact there are some changes in the charts this week and next, and more within the month. We do however have terribly challenging placements this week with Venus-Mars and Pluto, and Jupiter’s normally positive effects are diminished due to it being combust the Sun.


*Note: having correct “birth” charts (time included) is critical for accuracy, and I am not 100% confident I have this. I am using the Independence chart for Ukraine (Aug 24, 1991 @ 17:57), and the moment Russia put the new flag up signifying sovereignty as a nation (Dec 25, 1991 @ 17:19). Some have used the Dec 8, 1991 CIS chart, but this chart would also be significant for other countries including Ukraine, Belarus and many other fSU countries, and so did not seem to be the correct one to use in my opinion. I also looked at the chart for June 12, 1990 when Russia signed the declaration of sovereignty. The Ukraine Independence chart is much stronger than the Russia flag up chart, which shows devastation and damage to its business partnerships. I am concerned for Zelensky’s personal safety especially as we go into April-May. I certainly hope this war will not go that long. PEACE TO ALL.


Rahu in Aries / Ketu in Libra: What’s Your Focus? Who are Your People?


Full Moon and Planetary Subtleties