FULL MOON in Uttara Phalguni: Connect and Find Joy

FULL MOON in Uttara Phalguni: Connect and Find Joy


There will be a Full Moon on Friday, March 18th at 03:17 eastern time in Uttara Phalguni, a degree of sidereal Virgo that is in a generous, healing, and uplifts those who cross its path. Its ruling planets Sun and Mercury encourage us to talk about what we’ve been thinking about and processing, especially over the last month.


This Full Moon reminds us that we all need to be seen and heard, and that receiving support is a basic human need – and that it is in fact tremendously healing for us. The focus now is on compassion and kindness towards ourselves and others.


Much like a day of rest is integral for integration to occur, this Full Moon in Uttara Phalguni shuts the computer down, powers off the phones and reminds us to take a break and get into nature. Recovery is necessary before we set off on any new adventures.


Uttara Phalguni is a matchmaker at heart and loves to connect with like-minded souls. The beauty of the timing of this Full Moon is that is comes just as Rahu and Ketu shift (previous forecast, link below) which also reminds us to gather with our community and become more active in the areas that light us up. Finding joy in our connections is of utmost importance as we embark on the new.  


The shadow side of this sign is it can put on a happy face when it’s even when it’s feeling distressed. Check in with yourself to see if you might be doing this, and remember one of the messages of this time is to reach out and share.





Happy Vedic New Year! Time for a New Era to Begin with the New Moon in Revati


Rahu in Aries / Ketu in Libra: What’s Your Focus? Who are Your People?