Jupiter Retrograde: Make the vision manageable to prevent burnout

Jupiter Retrograde: June 20 – October 18, 2021: from sidereal Aquarius into Capricorn: Make the vision manageable to prevent burn out


Jupiter has now joined the retrograde crew until mid-October. It will sit with Saturn in sidereal Capricorn Sept 14-Nov 20, 2021, but we’ll get to that another day. For now, let’s revisit the initial Jupiter in sidereal Aquarius post to remember what its mission is for us this year (April 2021-2022): https://www.lexneon.com/forecasts/jupiter-in-sidereal-aquarius-april-5-2021-april-13-2022-explore-the-possibilities.


Overall, it’s an exciting time to envision and embark on new projects. But while Jupiter is retrograde, we are given a moment to pause, take two steps back (as retrogrades do), and review what we have been excited about. FYI: it can sneak in some doubt so it can help to take a little break from the big dreams we’ve been working on in order to refuel and regain the motivation we need to keep going forward with the vision we’ve been cultivating over the last few months. (Permission granted to the workaholics out there!)


Jupiter retrograde is in “Satabhishak” (the hundred physicians) until July 19 asking us to make sure the plans we’ve been cooking up have our own health and wellness at the forefront. Remember: Jupiter can sometimes get very excited and even a little too big for its britches. It’s been trying on all sorts of new ideas over the last few months and possibly even making plans for each one. But they can’t all happen (as Jupiter with Saturn will firmly tell us come September), so this retrograde reminds us to not burnout because we are trying to do it all. It’s a great opportunity to take a minute to reflect on what you’ve been working on, and ask yourself:


·      Is the vision in true alignment with my purpose and ethics?

·      Are there other ideas I should revisit?

·      Is it time to rethink how to go about bringing this vision into manifestation, and tweak the original plans a bit?

·      What aspects of the vision can I start to work on in a manageable and sustainable way?

·      Is it helpful to connect with an old mentor or guide?

·      How will I incorporate rest, health and spirituality into my plans?


FULL MOON in MULA: Create Space


Planetary Madness!