Patience, Attention and Ascension: Dec 14 Total Solar Eclipse in Jyeshta 28°59 Scorpio 11:16am eastern time

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Patience, Attention and Ascension: Dec 14 Total Solar Eclipse in Jyeshta 28°59 Scorpio 11:16am eastern time

Jyeshtha is an immensely powerful sign meaning “eldest” in Sanskrit, and is connected to the dragon slayer. The energy we are working with is protective in nature, a spiritual warrior offering support to those in need. It pulls in the planets Mars and Mercury, energizing our minds and bodies, anointing us with the “shakti” – the power, the energy, the spiritual drive – we need to create the change we hope for. This sign and the solar eclipse remind us that humility in action is necessary now. Jyeshtha can “fall from grace” when the power it holds is influenced by pride and greed. It encourage us to check in with ourselves regarding what factors are motivating us over the next few weeks. Are we being driven by change for the greater good? Or do we crave the spotlight and the power that comes with it?

This solar eclipse’s ruling planets tend to be impatient, and so benefit from direction and a plan. Begin to get clear on what areas are asking first for release (see below gandanta info). Next, see what is asking for your greater attention and support – for more of your shakti. Meditating on the vision for the future during the time of the eclipse is encouraged.

Remember: eclipses are revealing and empowering, but can also be difficult for those who are fragile. Take care of yourself (physical, mental, emotional, spiritual) during this eclipse time, and check in with those who may need extra support.

In addition to the eclipse, this is a powerful time for internal excavation as many planets are in rare and sensitive positions. From now into the beginning of January 2021, we have multiple planets in special “gandanta/ spiritual knot” degrees which ask us to look where we struggle, where we seem to always effort… and so where we may need to shift our mindset and our action approach. Beginning to unravel these “knots” in our lives in supported right now. The gandanta energy can be a time of completion, of letting go of the old and tired ways. Times like now require patience and attention, the necessary ingredients for the ascension process we are in.

*For additional info on the eclipse and other ways it can show up, please see the youtube video shared last week, copied here and in my IG bio:


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Nov. 15, 2020 at 00:07 eastern time: New Moon in sidereal Libra: Have Patience and Pick Your Battles