The Great Jupiter - Saturn Conjunction

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The Great Jupiter - Saturn Conjunction
This is an astrological event that happens about every 20 years. Seeing them in the sky directly aligned like a double planet so clearly and bright is the exciting and unusual part, encouraging us to lift our heads and look up.

While this event is not solely responsible for the shifts of our energetic tides, it certainly is an important piece of what we have been experiencing this year. As previously mentioned, this Jupiter-Saturn conjunction is the pinnacle of the overall energy of a year that has been urging us to “step into our mastery” however we are able. These planets have now come together, offering a massive push to drop the old stories, the old alignments, the ego, the procrastination, the perfectionism, the fear... whatever has been standing in our way of truly expressing who we are — of embracing our mastery. Much has to leave in order for the new to be born of us. This is never an easy task, as we all well know.

Jupiter is about expansion, has the big picture vision and looks to the horizon with excitement for what’s next. Saturn is about contraction, has a a more somber vibe to it, and is busy with its head down making plans and taking steps towards completion of the task at hand.

Together they can create internal friction at first. Jupiter wants to keep philosophizing about its ideas while Saturn is busy rolling up its sleeves. Today we are reminded both are critical for actualizing an inspired vision. They are in Saturn’s sign of sidereal Capricorn, so we must bow to Saturn in the end - by writing down the vision and translating that it into realistic action steps. And doing them.

The nakshatra (Vedic sign) the planets are in is called Uttara Ashadha, whose name translates as “latter victor” in Sanskrit. This sign is diligent, precise (to the point of being OCD), and knows what is required to achieve the vision it has. Thankfully, it’s also a joyful sign so it doesn’t view its job as a burden but more as an upcoming victory. It has faith and trust in itself and in the process it has chosen. It is ruled by the deities called the 10 vishvadevas and beautifully embodies their energies. Their names are:

Vasu (goodness), Satya (truth), Kratru (will-power), Daksha (ritual skill), Kala (time), Kama (desire), Dhriti (forbearance), Kuru (ancestors), Pururavas (abundance), and Madrava (joy).

May we all feel the influence of these 10 in our lives right now. And for those able to see this stunning planetary event today, remember these planets are giving us hope for a new path - and that we each play a role in the manifestation of what lies ahead. And it’s time to get to work, with the brightness from above carried with us as we move forward.

Happy Solstice to all!

photo: nasa




Patience, Attention and Ascension: Dec 14 Total Solar Eclipse in Jyeshta 28°59 Scorpio 11:16am eastern time