Nov. 15, 2020 at 00:07 eastern time: New Moon in sidereal Libra: Have Patience and Pick Your Battles


Nov. 15 at 00:07 eastern time: New Moon in sidereal Libra: Have Patience and Pick Your Battles
November brings us a complicated and passionate New Moon in Vishakha, the star of purpose. It brings protection, purpose, persistence and ultimately success. However, it can also be self-centered and quick to react. This New Moon, following planetary shifts and leading up to a few more before the end of the month, reminds us to keep our cool, stay centered, fair, and to keep others in mind. Vishakha is excellent at focusing on the big picture and staying on track. It can however get triggered, so pick your battles.

Mars, Venus and Jupiter Shift; Saturn’s Influence
On Nov 13, Mars stationed direct at 7:36pm after being retrograde since mid-Sept. This is one of the events we have been waiting for as it will help us begin moving forward more decisively. Mars connects with the muscles and blood in Ayurveda and so stretching and moving the body is highly recommended. As Dr. Lad would say, “the issues are in the tissues;” be ready for issues to arise once you begin to open up old blockages lying within the body.

Venus shifts into sidereal Libra on Nov 16, reinforcing the aforementioned ideas of balance, fairness and justice in our relationships and our lives. As it connects with Mars for the next few days, bringing the focus physically to the pelvis and lower back will be helpful.

Jupiter will shift back into Capricorn on Nov 20, joining Saturn until April 2021. While Jupiter is the visionary with high ideals, when it joins Saturn – and in Saturn’s sign like it will be – the focus will be more myopic than usual, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. While Jupiter does not love being in Capricorn, it can benefit from its stay here as the emphasis will now be on taking steps to manifest the plans created over the last year.

Remember: Saturn is slow and steady. It does its due diligence. It takes its time, so being patient – perhaps more than ever – is what it and Jupiter are asking of us. Saturn is also aspecting the New Moon, reinforcing patience and persistence beginning now.


Patience, Attention and Ascension: Dec 14 Total Solar Eclipse in Jyeshta 28°59 Scorpio 11:16am eastern time


November 2020: September’s twin / Election