On Vacation… Major Planetary events for end of July and August

Thank you for the birthday wishes! 48 is already looking lovely🙏❤️

As I prepare for my upcoming trip to Greece to see my 89 year old father and my extended family (there are a lot of us!), I am feeling the need to take a break from posting while I am away. I love writing and sharing forecasts, but I want to be fully present for this special time with my family. I will be back in September! ❤️

But I know things have been intense in the sky lately, so here’s a quick (albeit not comprehensive) rundown of what’s been happening and some highlights of what’s to come:

1) Gandanta energy abounds: Mars has been adding intensity to this “tied spiritual knot” time that can create fires and floods within us and (very sadly) on the earth plane. This special configuration occurs when a planet transitions from a water sign into a fire sign (like from Cancer into Leo right now), and relates to the challenges we can face when we face our deepest karmic ties (within our psyches). This time (just a few weeks long) can push us to shed the old / the emotions / the attachments. The last two weeks have had this prickly vibe to them, and so will the next week. Take a moment to see what is asking to be shed so you can step more confidently into your authentic self. As we are working with a transition from Cancer to Leo, we are looking at how we prioritize and take care of others vs how we care for our selves.

2) Mars and Venus are still hanging out: Mars just shifted into sidereal Leo from Cancer (which has been the main culprit in magnifying this gandanta energy). It will stay with Venus until Aug 11, when Venus zips ahead until mid-Jan 2022, giving us a bit of a break from the relationship excavating some have been doing the last month. Remember: Mars demands our attention so take care wherever it sits and whoever it’s hanging out with. It’s been with the planet of love for the last month and the next 3 weeks, asking us to put our energy into your connections.

3) Full Moon in sidereal Capricorn in Uttara Ashadha with Saturn retro July 23, 2021 @22:38 eastern time. This Moon comes along to help us rest and clean up some challenges from the last month. The 10 Vishvadevas are brought into the spotlight with this lunar event, reminding us some things we want to achieve take desire, willpower, skill, goodness and truth. It’s looking at Venus and Mars, again turning our attention to our relationships.

4) New Moon in sidereal Cancer in Ashlesha Aug 8, 2021 @9:50, sitting opposite Saturn - continuing the emotional reorganization energy, and being crystal clear with our voices and how we express ourselves. One precautionary piece: Ashlesha can bottle up and bite its tongue, withholding its thoughts and feelings, and then out of the blue explode. It’s important to be mindful of this potential energetic for ourselves and those around us. Keep the communication going, and make sure any difficulties are addressed before they become a volcano.

PS: The next month is also good for home organizing, and getting diet on track!

5) Full Moon in sidereal Aquarius in Dhanishta on Aug 22, 2021 @8:01 eastern time. A lovely full moon sitting with Jupiter to wrap up the season in a sign that pulls in the elements, the sun, the moon and the stars. A sense of completion and joy should accompany this time. Savor it!

6) A quick note about mid-Sept to mid-Nov: we will have a revisiting of last year as some planets reconnect like they did during quarantine, making us also revisit some COVID regulations. I mentioned this in an interview last December 2020, and we are already seeing numbers climbing again. It should be short-lived, but do be prepared. As a working parent, I am not scheduling many clients for that time period yet as it is difficult to work and have school at home. Hopefully it won’t be this extreme, but it’s always good to be prepared.

Be well everyone!


Mars in sidereal Virgo and New Moon in Purva Phalguni
