In the midst of some current planetary intensity (more to come on this), the upcoming New Moon is connected to the beautiful nakshatra (Vedic sign) of Punarvasu, in 23°52 of sidereal Gemini, meaning “good again” in Sanskrit. This spiritually inclined sign is a healer at heart and reminds us to reconsider, repurpose and recycle before we toss something away (on all levels, not just physical items). Actively engaging in cleansing and healing modalities around this time will be highly beneficial. While it can accomplish most anything it puts its mind to, its challenge is it can get caught up in the mind, in the overthinking and analyzing, and even become critical and cynical. We turn to its mythology to find its deepest and most accessible healing expression.


The deity ruling over Punarvasu is Aditi, the Mother of the Gods and Kings, and so is associated with rebirth, nurturing and abundance. She is also directly connected to the very special 1 hour and 36 minutes before sunrise called the “Brahma Muhurta” hours, or the Creator’s Hours. The classic Vedic texts state that meditating in this golden pre-dawn time is especially powerful as it can help us access and undo any traumas related to our birthing experience, to early childhood and beyond. It’s like a window into our own personal karmic healing, where all we need to do is show up and breathe. Whatever the routine looks like, the structure we create in our morning hours is very important this season as we rethink how we want our days to be set up, and as we redefine and reestablish our new normal.


A healing story…

One of my mentors from the Ayurvedic Institute told us story about a client who had terrible PTSD from when he was in the war in Vietnam. While other modalities seemed to offer little relief, it was when the client began meditating during this special Brahma Muhurta time that obvious shifts began to occur. As the PTSD lessened, and the client was able to have deeper healing and release around the wounds he had been carrying for so long. He was experiencing a purge and a rebirth, just as Aditi would hope for.


On Vacation… Major Planetary events for end of July and August


Mars-Saturn Opposition: a very intense time… keep your efforts going, think outside the box — and make sure to incorporate rest