November 4th 17:14 eastern time: New Moon in Swati – the Sword, the Wheat Sprout and the Bull

November 4th 17:14 eastern time: New Moon in Swati – the Sword, the Wheat Sprout and the Bull

The symbols of this New Moon in 18’30 sidereal Libra say a lot about the energetics we are working with this month: the sword symbolizes the independent nature of Swati; the wheat spout blowing in the wind connects with the deep drive to grow and better itself as well as the flexibility and inner strength Swati has; and the bull reminds us of the long-term stamina and success that’s possible if it’s able to stay focused. Bringing these ideas into our endeavors during this Moon cycle is encouraged.

Things to consider:

Now take a moment to reflect back to the last Full Moon in Swati earlier this year, on April 26, 2021:

• What was important for you then?

• What seeds were you sowing at that time?

• Are you harvesting those fruits now, or actively tending to them? (They can take time!)

• Do those things still hold the same value?

Swati loves personal development and can be excited to grow, but it can sometimes lack the commitment and excitement to see a project through. With that in mind:

• Have you shifted the focus of your “garden” from this past April?

• Or have you taken it to the next level?

• What is growing now?

• Is something new asking to be sown?

• How is your dedication and application?

• Do you need support from a mentor (or a book or course…) to help you stay on track or move to the next level?

Something to keep in mind:

Pranayama (focused breathwork) is especially powerful with this New Moon and this sign. The benefits are astounding, but very simply put: oxygenation is key to keeping anything alive and moving forward. Most of us can use more of this! We have other planets in Swati until Nov 20, including Mars, so practicing pranayama daily (if not multiple times a day) will be very supportive. Reach out to your favorite yoga teacher or Ayurvedic practitioner to figure out what pranayama is best, or check the resources page on my site for instruction on alternate nostril breathing which is safe for all:

And, with this Moon being ruled by Venus, our relationships and how we grow together are in the spotlight.

*My apologies for those waiting for email replies or for my automated scheduler to be updated. I’ve been dealing with some health issues (a Lyme scare and then other things connected to that), and so have been out of commission the last 3 weeks. I am finally feeling better so will be catching up and updating my site within the next week. Thank you for your patience and understanding!


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