FULL MOON Oct 20 at 10:55am: Focus on Your Daily Routine

This Full Moon in sidereal Aries is in the healing sign of ASHWINI, the Physician to the Gods and the Miracle Healer. Its symbol of the horse connects to Prana: our breath and vital life force. Aries likes fast action, and Ashwini, ruled by Mars and Ketu, reaches to ancient and alternative modalities for support. It is directly linked to Ayurveda: the Science of Life, the Mother of All Healing, with the Ashwin Twins mentioned in the sutra of how Ayurveda came to earth.

Although powerful, this Full Moon is in a sensitive place in the sky which can encourage us to be open and share ourselves in a safe way… or we may feel unprepared, vulnerable and defensive. It is even more vital now to honor ourselves around the Moon, and to be choosy how we are using our time and energy. The remedy is to focus on our “dinacharya”– our daily practices, specifically how we begin each day for ourselves. My teacher Dr. Vasant Lad says: “A daily routine is absolutely necessary to bring radical change in body, mind, and consciousness.”

To be “swastha” –situated in the self– is the definition of health in Ayurveda. The way to do this is to prioritize self-care by engaging in healing practices, honoring our nourishment, time and energy (some may call this having healthy boundaries). The Ayurvedic Institute has a wonderful and very comprehensive description of what the dinacharya can look like (below). Remember: it’s always best to start simple and with intention. See what resonates, and create your own morning rituals that make you feel supported and prepared to enter your day.

The planets, especially the Moon, prepare us for what’s to come. As we come out of a time where uprooting and reorganizing has been highlighted, think of what you have been creating. Is your morning routine supportive and grounding for what’s approaching? If not, it’s the perfect time to make adjustments that carry the care you deserve.

*Dinacharya: https://www.ayurveda.com/2021/08/24/the-daily-routine/

*Here are some simple key dinacharya components, including the Moon remedies that is in the planetary download: https://www.lexneon.com/resources

PS: Please join Deborahlise Mota and me tomorrow, October 20th at 1pm eastern time for a new Clubhouse chat in the Realistic Mystics clubroom where we will talk about the pillars of the Vedic Sciences: https://www.clubhouse.com/join/realistic-mystics/1ysEPggo/m2QGwLJ6

PS: I am back to work, with clients booked until the end of the 2021. I am in the process of creating a new offering (very exciting!). I am already ready to add more dates for additional readings. I will let everyone know when I have opened up my calendar again. In the meantime, thank you for your patience and understanding!


November 4th 17:14 eastern time: New Moon in Swati – the Sword, the Wheat Sprout and the Bull


Moving Forward