Do the Shadow Work / Be Unshakeable in Moments of Darkness: LUNAR ECLIPSE Friday, Nov 19

LUNAR ECLIPSE - FULL MOON in TAURUS (Krittika Nakshatra): Friday, Nov 19 at 3:37am Eastern Time

Eclipses are show-stoppers. They require that we view the luminaries – the Moon and the Sun – in a new light. We are forced to face the shadows, in order to recognize they exist and do the work they offer us, rather than be swallowed up by them. The Nodes of the Moon stir the pot and bring up the muck. They and ask us to look at what is hidden or out of alignment in our lives. The work is often karmic and critical when brought up by an eclipse (especially if the eclipse is hitting a planet or sensitive degree in your birth chart). Truths and bombshells are often revealed in our own lives and in the public the days around an eclipse. To best access the power of the eclipse, it is recommended to stay inside and go inward with meditation and reflective time. Mundane activities are not recommended during eclipses. Do not look at an eclipse if you’re pregnant.


This pair of eclipses highlight polarities, and some ideas around the human condition. They encourage us to focus on our relationship with:

·      accumulation and release

·      security and uncovering

·      stability and upheaval

·      flow and disruption


Together they ask us:

Ø  What do we keep and what do we let go of?

Ø  Where do we feel solid and secure within our embodied lives, and what can we allow into the fire for transformation?


These eclipses are harbingers of new energy emerging now and more so in March and April. It is key to not fear or be overcome by the passing shadow (in fact, much of the recent disruptions have been due to Mars and gandanta Venus and not the upcoming eclipses). This Lunar Eclipse gives us a chance to get deeply rooted and grounded so we are unshakable in moments of darkness, just like we’ve been working towards since the Nodes shifted last Sept. Acknowledging what requires attention, releasing for good what doesn’t serve, and then integrating the insights that come from an eclipse time is what we can wish for ourselves and for others.


The Lunar Eclipse in Taurus on Nov 19 is a powerful and complex one in that it is, at over 3.5 hours, the longest lunar eclipse in almost 600 years. (It’s like we are being given extra time to work with it since it’s such an important celestial moment.) It is also in “deep exaltation” degrees, meaning this Full Moon in “Krittika” nakshatra is, on its own, quite lovely as it is mentally/emotionally rooted and secure in its flow. The Moon is also being supported by Jupiter, which is a true gift. (Jupiter will shift the next day, but thankfully is uplifting the Moon during the eclipse.) We have a (trickier) Solar Eclipse 2 weeks later on Dec 4 in sidereal Scorpio (more on that and Jupiter soon).


NB: Both signs can be stubborn and grip tightly to things and emotions. Keep awareness around these ideas and at the forefront of your mind, emotions and inter/actions over the next 2+ weeks and even into the next 6 months.

Ø  What aspects of Taurus’ earthy, comfort-loving, security-oriented, “groundedness” are you embracing or restructuring in your life?

Ø  And how deep are you willing to go with Scorpio’s purge, purification, and inner knowing?

These are the polarities the eclipses are presenting us with. First, we are being offered a chance to get settled within our beings with the Lunar Eclipse Nov 19, and then we can see more clearly what is up for release come Dec 4.


Connections to Beliefs, Mentors and Vision

At the time of the lunar eclipse, the 9th house of the chart is highlighted, making direct connections to our beliefs, our educational and spiritual paths, as well as our mentors and vision we have for ourselves in our world.


Some things to think about during this eclipse:

·      Krittika likes to engage in character-building activities. Are you focusing on your personal development?

·      Do your beliefs reflect who you truly are? 

·      How can you show up as a leader/ guide/ support to others? This doesn’t have to be in a grandiose way, and remember true leaders lead by example, not by telling others what to do.


“Agni,” the god if fire, is affiliated with this sign, reminding us the need to stay strong and to keep our own “agni” – or internal fire – strong and alive. In Ayurveda, without “agni” there is no life. It is the most important component of our existence: our internal flame. How does it show up each day? Quite simply, in our digestion. In the case of the Full Moon, it will show up in our minds and emotions. Have you been able to process and digest all that is on your plate?


Some practical ideas and applications:

·      Clean eating and using spices that support digestion (like ginger, cumin, coriander, fennel, cayenne pepper, lime…) to kindle the fire is suggested.  

·      Eating one bowl meals (soups, stews, simple foods that are easy to digest) are best for this season and for when life gets hectic.

·      Practicing yoga poses to support digestion (such as spinal twists), fire boosting or cooling pranayama (breathing exercises) as needed, or simply to resting in shavasana or taking a restorative yoga class may be what is necessary as you process.

·      If you are feeling ready to take action, Sun salutations will support Krittika as well a hot yoga or ashtanga practice.

·      It’s an excellent time for healing saunas and hot baths.



*My automated scheduler is up! Thank you for your patience and understanding during these last few months!


JUPITER IN AQUARIUS: Innovation ahead


November 4th 17:14 eastern time: New Moon in Swati – the Sword, the Wheat Sprout and the Bull