November 2020: September’s twin / Election


November 2020: September’s twin

November is a month similar to September: full of shifts and changes, and energetics which don’t sit well together. We ended October with a beautiful full moon in Bharani, the sign of re/birth, release, cleansing and new possibilities. Election Day for the USA finds Mercury going direct and the Moon sitting with Rahu – both tricky connections on their own. As Mercury shifts, it’s always wise to pull back and inward and reexamine our own mindset. Chaotic Rahu can overwhelm and overtake whoever it is with. It is with the Moon, and so our hearts and minds can fall prey right now. These placements alone can be a lot for any individual to process as they can create upset and turbulence within. Do your best to not let the chaos of the day eclipse you.

When planets shift direction or shift signs, there can be a lot of change, uncertainty, back and forth, answers given then minds changed. Expect to be in a state of flux in the world for the first weeks of November. Mars’ forward movement will be helpful come Nov. 14, and Jupiter’s conjunction with Saturn when it moves into sidereal Capricorn again on Nov. 20 will help create more certainty. We will then encounter eclipses on Nov. 30th and Dec. 14th (the day the electors vote) which always bring secrets out into the open. It’s not an easy time ahead, but we can hopefully maintain some calm in this end of the year astrological storm with our own personal grounding and centering practices.

I’ve written an incredibly long analysis about the election and the weeks ahead, with an unintentional heavy focus Trump as he is heading into an even more personally intense, karmically full and revealing time. I have been saying for years that Jan 2020-June 2021 would be unprecedentedly difficult for him and could even take him off the stage. After looking at the charts of the USA and the candidates, here’s the short of it: it’s neck and neck but Biden-Harris have a leg up on Trump-Pence, who both have heavy 12th house and eclipse events which traditionally undo and create loss. That being said, the USA itself is the real wild card this time around and will continue to be until 2033.


Nov. 15, 2020 at 00:07 eastern time: New Moon in sidereal Libra: Have Patience and Pick Your Battles


NEW MOON in Sidereal VIRGO in Chitra: Let your inner light shine – for YOU.