Full Moon and Planetary Subtleties

Full Moon and Planetary Subtleties

February is quiet in terms of overt planetary movement. Other than the luminaries doing their monthly thing (the New/Full Moons, and the Sun shifting signs), we really only have Mars and Venus entering sidereal Capricorn on Feb 26-27 (more on that later). But while it might look like a time where we get to relax and not have to deal with so much shifting and changing, we still have some subtle happenings worth noting that can create a bit of existential malaise.


To get astro-babbly for a moment in order to name them:

We have Venus and Mars in planetary war for the next month. Saturn is still combust the Sun, ending soon, only to be followed by Jupiter combust. There’s a Kala Sarpa Yoga present in the sky until the end of April. And we will experience an unsupported Moon for about a week+ of each month for the next few months.


These can show up as power-struggles and disharmony, but the root is really more of an inside job now. The next month is about the nuances of what we are willing to tweak so that our lives align more deeply than before. The energies don’t have to manifest boldly or aggressively. In fact, this build-up has resulted in a pulling back which can manifest in regular brainstorming sessions, more attention to self-care or even a much needed get away. Underneath is a stirring that is asking for another adjustment, one that will make the path ahead look different than where we were, especially pre-COVID. Think of it as a miniscule tilt of the steering wheel which over time will take us to a whole new space… but for the moment the change is almost undetectable to the observer.


The Full Moon on Feb 16th at 11:56am eastern time in Leo in Magha, “the mighty and regal one”, is the light in the midst of this planetary thickness. It reminds us to reach out to our people – the ones we will always show up for and we know will show up for us. Remember: this Full Moon is considered to be unsupported and would rather retreat instead of reach out, so it could take some effort to initiate! Right now, though, what we really need is to remind ourselves and those we love that we are there for each other.


New Moon, Venus-Mars intensity: Be the change


New Moon in Shravana: Silence, Music or Mantra