Mars in Sidereal Pisces May 17-June 26: Take Action Steps To Realize the Dream

Mars in Sidereal Pisces May 17-June 26, 2022: Take Action Steps To Realize the Dream

Venus, Jupiter and Neptune have been traveling together for the last month in Pisces, a sign they all love to be in. The Piscean influence in the sky brings out the poet, the artist and the visionary in us. It asks us to tune into the beauty, to keep hope alive, and it yearns for higher connection. But because it’s not tethered to the here and now, it can get lost in the daydream in the ethers, and so doesn’t always have what it takes to bring its vision to life.

Enter Mars, who joined to this planetary combination in sidereal Pisces just after midnight on May 17th east coast time, and stays here until June 26. Mars wakes up our motivation and drive, and brings excitement, energy and action to this Piscean dream. Keep in mind: Mars was sitting with Saturn since Feb 26 and getting a bit stifled by it! So Mars is bursting with passion and desperately wants to get involved in a mission of the heart and soul rather than the daily grind Saturn is so skilled at. Mars is now lighting a fire under our feet giving us the oomph so many have been lacking lately. This new movement of Mars energizes us and lets us see that what we are dreaming about is actually possible to achieve. Because of Mars’ ability to enliven and take action, the next 6 weeks will be a great time to take steps in the areas we have been contemplating. The retrogrades and eclipses will throw us some curveballs, but Mars will keep us marching forward.

A strong inclination of Mars in Pisces is to engage in activities that are uplifting, spiritually expansive and connecting. Pisces rules the feet and Mars likes to move so it should feel easier to get on your running shoes, get on your yoga mat, get to the dojo. Mars wants to engage the muscles, and Pisces wants to attain higher levels of consciousness. The purpose of yoga, for ex, is movement towards stillness: to get out the wiggles and open the channels of our bodies so as to prepare for meditation – for higher connection. This, as with most things worth doing, takes enthusiasm and effort, but mostly it takes just doing it. Thankfully Mars has this part down pat.



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