New Moon in sidereal Virgo, in Hasta on Oct 6 at 7:06am Eastern Time: Purification then Manifestation

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The Moon is making direct connections with almost every single planet right now, many of which are retrograde. It is doing a lot of juggling and negotiating with some intense and often times challenging characters. The feeling of overwhelm is likely over the next few days. Here are some ideas to help manage this intense time.

Hasta (the Vedic sign 3 planets are in now) is highly tuned in and understands the importance and the connection of the physical to the energetic. In addition, we are working with almost all of the planets in earth signs right now. The overwhelming focus is on uprooting in order to get grounded, and consciously removing any obstacles in our “physical/ this world/ here and now” way. Once we do this, we can have clarity and calm, so ideas can freely flow and energy can circulate.

So follow through with the impulse to clean and organize! Clean your house, your closet, your file cabinet, your cyberspace, your address book, your body, your diet, your habits… Hasta, symbolized by the open hand, is a doer, and Virgo is tidy! This New Moon wants us to take action on the areas bogging us down. This is a theme we’ve been working with all month and the New Moon drives it home. Clean out first. This creates space and intention for what is coming.

Purification then manifestation: that’s Hasta’s superpower.

It’s easy with the current planetary configurations to feel frustrated. A challenge we will encounter is impatience and the impulse to criticize or nitpick. Flip it by finding solutions rather than focusing on the problem (which is a kinder and more productive approach).

This New Moon, with its strong health and wellness bend, also benefits from movement when frustration arises. Get moving, get on the yoga mat, get into nature, have a hands-on healing session with your favorite practitioner... Fortify the physical/ emotional/ mental.

Hasta has a brilliant left/right brain heart/mind connection so we can’t only focus on what we can see/feel/touch and discount the energetic, emotional and intuitive components. Hasta honors both equally, and is encouraging us to do the same.

PS: I am back to work, with clients booked until the end of the 2021. I am in the process of creating a new offering (very exciting!). Once I get my schedule figured out with this, I will try to find more dates for additional readings. I will let everyone know when I have opened up my calendar again. In the meantime, thank you for your patience and understanding!


Moving Forward


Mercury Retrograde: Inner Strength / Keeping Up