Moving Forward

It’s a busy time of shifting gears! Saturn left its retrograde status on Oct 10 and is now rolling forward again. Jupiter will also go direct on Oct 18. Mercury is hot on its heels going direct on Oct 19, the same day the Sun moves into sidereal Libra. Mars will shift signs completely on Oct 21 (more on that later).

This planetary movement is very welcome, especially leaving these retrogrades, which can be very helpful (and can get a little tiresome fast, lol). However… this is *a lot* of change all happening at the same time! So much transition all at once can create confusion, uncertainty, exhaustion. Think of it like a 4 way traffic stop, and each car (planet) is trying to get through the box at almost the same time. It’s unnerving! It’s best to slow down and to not push through things this next week. The almighty hustle can be overrated, especially in moments like now.

Earth signs are dominating the sky for a little while longer, so get outside and into nature as often as you can. Re-connect with grounding practices (like yin or restorative yoga, pelvic-centered poses, gardening esp weeding). Get solid in your personal physical spaces (body, food, sleep, home) since there will be a shift into predominantly air and fire signs soon. This is our chance to feel rooted before we soar. Sustainability is key!

On a larger scale, these planetary changes (with bigger moves in March, April and May) are leading us out of the compression we’ve been experiencing over the last 1.5 years. Reflect on the shifts that have occurred deep within you over this time. Have you felt a push to step into your mastery more? Have you had moments of release, of recognizing the completed karma, and honored yourself in moving forward? Has anything been bubbling up for you, but you haven’t actively grabbed hold of it yet? It’s not an easy process, and is often times uncomfortable. We still have some time with this energetic, until the end of November most intensely and then until early May 2022. As the heavy hitter planets (Jup, Sat, Rahu) start to move away from each other in the next 6 months, we will be able to move more freely within ourselves and share more authentically.

PS: I am back to work, with clients booked until the end of the 2021. I am in the process of creating a new offering (very exciting!). Once I get my schedule figured out with this, I will try to find more dates for additional readings. I will let everyone know when I have opened up my calendar again. In the meantime, thank you for your patience and understanding!


FULL MOON Oct 20 at 10:55am: Focus on Your Daily Routine


New Moon in sidereal Virgo, in Hasta on Oct 6 at 7:06am Eastern Time: Purification then Manifestation