NEW MOON in Sidereal PISCES: REVATI – Map the Journey Ahead


NEW MOON in Sidereal PISCES: REVATI – Map the Journey Ahead


It’s a busy week ahead with a New Moon, Venus and Mars shifting signs, and some gandanta energy reinforcing we are letting go of old patterns before embarking on a new path. The key this month is to stay grounded in your selfcare, be mindful of your schedule, and do your best not to overextend.


The upcoming New Moon on April 11 at 22:30 ET will be in sidereal Pisces in Revati nakshatra, a sign whose name means “rich” in Sanskrit, indicating material wealth but also spiritual abundance. This is an empathetic Moon that opens its arms up to all those in need, offering friendship, support and genuine nurturing without judgement. After a tremendously challenging time, this New Moon is a welcome energetic.


Revati reaches out to Mercury and Jupiter, bringing in mindfulness and uplifting communication and offering us a chance to check within to make sure what we are thinking and sharing is in fact coming from and is for the greater good. The Piscean energy present in the sky at the moment can create heightened intuition, but can also stir up confusion. If the latter is being experienced, meditate and connect with mentors or sacred texts to help clear the fog and regroup. Jupiter and Mercury (Revati’s ruling planets) love to talk with others about ideas and beliefs. Connecting with our community is simply necessary now.


Pushan the Nurturer and Protector is the deity linked to this Moon, giving us the fodder we need (physical, spiritual, emotional) for rapid advancement on the journey ahead. Pushan and Revati connect to roads and timing: the trips we plan, the spiritual paths we walk, the roads we travel. Mapping out where we are headed is a good usage of this next week as the Moon and other planets highlight this energy. Real time tools like visions boards, journaling, creating a business plan, and brainstorming with colleagues are helpful now. Get clear on the time frames you would like to manifest your vision while incorporating down time and selfcare. Remember: overextending is also in the sky at the moment so we need to make sure we are able to create a manageable timeline so as not to burn out in the process.

Please join us April 8th at 2pm EDT / 8pm CET on Clubhouse for more insights and remedies about the upcoming New Moon and other planetary shifts:


Mars in sidereal Gemini, Sun and Mercury in Aries: Vroom Vroom!


JUPITER in Sidereal AQUARIUS April 5, 2021-April 13, 2022: Explore the Possibilities