Mars in sidereal Gemini, Sun and Mercury in Aries: Vroom Vroom!


Mars in sidereal Gemini, Sun and Mercury in Aries: Vroom vroom!

Mars will move into Gemini around 4pm ET on April 13 until 9:30pm on June 1 leaving the explosive connection it’s had with Rahu in Taurus for the last two months (see rocket forecast). Mars’ new place in the sky will keep us on our toes and feel like we are moving at light speed. Mars in Gemini loves to socialize, have debates and discover solutions to whatever issue is at hand. But… Mars can get feisty and Gemini can get testy, so we may need to be reminded to keep our cool and maintain civility in discussion while moving forward in a productive way over the next 6 weeks.


Mars in Gemini needs help staying on track, otherwise it can find itself busy but getting nothing accomplished. Having regular check-ins with an accountability partner over these next two months will be enormously helpful in staying the course that’s being mapping out (see previous Jupiter and New Moon forecasts).


Remember many of these new planetary shifts we are experiencing (5 planets shifting plus a New Moon from April 5-16!) are about forward movement and consciously designing our lives. Keep this in the forefront of your mind over the next few weeks. Ask yourself if the path you are forging feels authentic to who you are NOW, not who you were a year ago. This may be the most important question to consistently ask ourselves the next few months.


While these are all welcome changes in the sky we must remember: when things shift above us, they shift around and within us. Some people aren’t so keen on change, and so they can react when things start to move too quickly or in a direction they weren’t ready for. Sensitive nervous systems can feel overloaded in moments like this, so many can expect to feel exhaustion, anxiety, confusion, overextending and reclusiveness (as a response to doing too much) this week. Take care with your time and energy right now. Do your best to not overschedule, and make sure to get enough rest. While these shifts can support us in moving forward quickly on our paths, they can also make us feel like we’re running on fumes. Check out the “Biohack Your Burnout” link with Ayurvedic tips for supporting your system (scroll down a bit on the page):


PS: the Sun and Mercury both shift into sidereal Aries this week on Tuesday and Friday. It’s more of the same above!


Happy Vedic New Year! (It’s a hopeful one)


NEW MOON in Sidereal PISCES: REVATI – Map the Journey Ahead