JUPITER in Sidereal AQUARIUS April 5, 2021-April 13, 2022: Explore the Possibilities


On April 5, 2021 at 14:55 EDT, Jupiter shifted signs leaving its restrictive connection with Saturn in sidereal Capricorn. Jupiter and Saturn merged signs and have essentially traveled together since Nov. 2019, exactly when covid began. While there is more to what we have been living in than just these 2 planets, this new Jupiter shift will certainly bring liberating changes in our lives. Jupiter will remain in Aquarius for the next year offering us a chance to create and explore new possibilities.


Jupiter is abundant, optimistic, philosophical and loves to dream big. (It can also overreach and overextend.) Aquarius is a forward-thinking, humanitarian sign that beats to its own drum. (It can also be a bit reclusive and even paranoid.) Jupiter in Aquarius is mostly a breath of fresh air, coming at a time when we are all ready for change. Jupiter’s big visionary question is: what do we want our world to look like now? Aquarius is most definitely the sign willing to try on the different possibilities.


Jupiter is like a happy gardener, spreading seeds of possibility far and wide. Aquarius is adventurous and gets inspired by new ways of thinking and being. These two are happy together as each is supported and understood by the other. Both are willing to look to the horizon, borrow ideas from friends, and are equally willing to shift gears if things aren’t going smoothly. So be willing to adjust! This next year is really more about what we want to see our lives like, so try on the different ideas you have.


We are in a dance of determining what direction makes sense for the whole (Aquarius is a humanitarian at heart), what innovations are sustainable (Aquarius is ruled by efficient Saturn), as well as having the willingness to change direction (Aquarius is a fixed air sign, so it can shift gears but will commit).  There is no “back to normal.” We all get to explore the visions we’ve been having and nurture the new ones. It’s a process but it is certainly much more joyful than ever before.



PS: We still are dealing with the intensity from the Mars-Rahu connection, but that will be shifting April 13. Come May 21, 2021, Jupiter enters Shatabhishak, a degree of Aquarius which means the 100 healers. This is a very welcome shift in terms of covid and herd immunity, as this sign supports a deeper healing in our world. We will likely see more openings and forward movement at that point. We will however have a brief retrograde roll-back of Jupiter into Capricorn rejoining Saturn Sept 14-Nov 20, 2021, which will likely bring a brief covid revisit. Don’t fret as it is short. Saturn the Work Horse will be trailing close behind Jupiter, shifting into sidereal Aquarius April 28, 2022-March 29, 2025 (they will thankfully miss each other by 2 weeks). It is during this 3 year time period that we should see the manifestation of the ideas Jupiter will cultivate over the next year.


Please join us April 8th at 2pm EDT / 8pm CET on Clubhouse for more insights and remedies about the upcoming New Moon and other planetary shifts: https://www.joinclubhouse.com/event/m7LQYpRz


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