Mars-Saturn Opposition: a very intense time… keep your efforts going, think outside the box — and make sure to incorporate rest

Mars-Saturn Opposition: a very intense time… keep your efforts going, think outside the box — and make sure to incorporate rest


Just a quick note on some planetary trickiness in the sky this month. Mars and Saturn have been sitting across from each other the last few weeks and for the next 3 weeks. They were sitting by directly across from each other this last week, heightening the intensity they can create together.


Mars is like having one foot on the gas while Saturn is one foot on the break. Mars is in sidereal Cancer, so can be incredibly emotional and can even crack if it doesn’t take a minute to rest. Saturn is retrograde in sidereal Capricorn asking us to rethink our approach and get creative with how we want to move forward. Traditional routes won’t be the way to get things done right now. It’s time to think outside the box.


The challenge is we somehow have to honor both planets, which can seem to be at odds with each other. For those already threadbare, this can be the proverbial straw that breaks the camel’s back. If this resonates, take these planets’ healing modalities and incorporate them regularly with a focus on muscles and bones: massage, yoga focusing on spinal alignment, chiropractic care, acupuncture, marma therapy, etc.


The higher expression of Mars-Saturn can be unstoppable determination, persistence, and the idea of “where there’s a will, there’s a way.” The base expression is constant pushing/hustling, running on empty, and eventual exhaustion or collapse. The difference is within us and how we are engaging mentally/ emotionally and physically - as well as listening to ourselves and knowing when to stop and rest.


This combo can create impatience and accidents, so being extra aware of our mindset and our physical abilities is key. This isn’t a time to sit and wait; it is a time to keep plugging away but with greater awareness than ever. We also have to explore all the angles and find a way to eventually overcome whatever boulder we are currently pushing. And - most importantly - we all must incorporate breaks and healing sessions when we can. Things will shift and lighten as Mars shifts on July 20.


Take good care!




FULL MOON in MULA: Create Space