Full Moon in Swati: Nourish the Seedlings


April 26th at 23:32 eastern time, we will experience a Full Moon in Swati, a beautiful degree of sidereal Libra that connects to the potential and determination of the seedling. It strives to grow and flourish, pushes through the soil, bursting through the earth towards the Sun to become all it’s destined to be. While it can weather the storm and grow in the face of adversity, it needs proper care and nourishment in the beginning. This is where we are now: our “seedlings” are at a tender stage beginning to sprout, the new ideas and directions just beginning to take root. We need to mindfully nurture them and ourselves now.

Swati connects to the goddess Saraswati, who brings in her strong suits: personal development, education, communication, and music. This is a wonderful time to focus on these areas of life, and to see what systems and modalities are calling you. Keep the sprouting seedling in mind as you progress. There is no jumping into full manifestation, so patience and persistence are necessary.

This Full Moon has its hands full. It’s connecting with almost all of the planets, either directly or indirectly, meaning it’s negotiating with a lot of different personalities. Make sure you aren’t pushing yourself until you’re threadbare this week and next. Overextending is possible even while in a growth mindset (and sometimes especially!), and with the current Mars in Gemini / Sun, Mercury, Venus in Aries energy (recall the recent “vroom vroom” forecast).

Thankfully this specific Moon reminds us that alone time, meditation and pranayama are keys to unwinding and rooting back into ourselves. Grounding visualization techniques while meditating are also helpful with this Full Moon. As Swati is ruled by Venus and Rahu, it does well with abhyanga: Ayurvedic self massage done before bathing (scroll down for more info on the benefits and how to: https://www.lexneon.com/resources). Try to find space for YOU over the next few days.


New Moon in Krittika: How’s your fire burning?


Happy Vedic New Year! (It’s a hopeful one)