Full Moon in 14°48 sidereal Leo: STAY CONNECTED

Feb 27 Forecast.JPG

The upcoming Full Moon on Feb 27th at 3:17am EST (9:17am CET) will be in a beautiful degree of sidereal Leo called Purva Phalguni, a Vedic sign ruled by the Sun and Venus which thrives when it expresses itself, dances its heart out, loves and is loved. This Full Moon reminds us that we also heal deeply when we are in the flow with our authentic voice, our “rasa” (creative juices), and with our soul tribe (or really perhaps these protect us from imbalance?). It is connected to Bhaga, the god of good fortune, and to the Shiva Lingam, a cryptocrystalline quartz that is said to support pranic flow in the lungs and in the body, facilitating the opening of the chakras and the release of limiting beliefs. Purva Phalguni, already in the zone, focuses its energy on unity, creativity, fun and ultimately (pro)creation with the underlying purpose of this joyful sign being to open the channels and to forge a creative union.

However, this February Full Moon is also considered “unsupported” – meaning, it is traveling alone and does not have planets surrounding it, protecting it and uplifting it. As such, it can feel like a king on a chess set standing alone, vulnerable and even misunderstood. This “unsupported Moon” configuration (which we are already in and will stay for a few days) tends to gravitate towards reflective alone time, which can quickly turn into reclusiveness and isolation. When this shows up (like now), it is recommended to consciously reach out to others instead of subconsciously shutting them out.

While it’s difficult to have the gatherings and dance parties we would like, this Full Moon is pushing us to connect and celebrate in clever and creative ways. It wants us to prioritize fun and to celebrate one another because it knows that this is the best medicine we have right now (even considering other planetary configurations in other forecasts).

Some questions to ask:
• What brings you joy?
• Have you danced lately?
• Are you expressing yourself?
• Who do you love and want to connect with?
• Are you pulling away from people, or reaching out?
• What needs unblocking?
• Are you ready to unite & create?


New Moon in 28°54 sidereal Aquarius: Break on through


Feb 21-April 13: Mars shifts into sidereal Taurus joining Rahu: Shifts & Eruptions on the “Earth” Plane