Moon joins cluster of planets in sidereal Capricorn: No More Drama


Moon joins cluster of planets in sidereal Capricorn: No More Drama

We are entering a week of the Moon sitting in Saturn’s signs: in sidereal Capricorn from Tuesday, Feb 9 at 10:01am until it becomes the New Moon on Feb 11th at 14:05, and soon after slides into Aquarius until Feb 13th at 23:39 eastern time. This is a week where determination, hard work and focus can take over. However, as the Moon will be traveling together closely with the Sun and so emotions can rise up dramatically at times, breaking through the dry exterior Capricorn can present. While the message here is “no more drama,” it is not a time to dismiss your emotions or needs. Rather, allow them to influence the week in a grounded way. Here are some tips for the week, brought to you in true efficient Capricorn-influenced bullet points:

1) Speak your needs and requirements. Mercury is still retrograde and all the planets are in signs which encourage tuning in and self-expression.

2) Get your boundaries back on track. Saturn-ruled signs are clear about what they can and can’t do. Saturn is the most influential planet now and for some time ahead, years really but most intensely for the next few weeks.

3) Write your list. Saturn-ruled signs (super prominent) are most effective when it knows *exactly* what the plan is.

4) Delegate! Divide the tasks up among the stakeholders (kids too!).

5) Get. It. Done.

Tips for managing the dryness this Capricorn-filled week can bring:

1) Hydrate: water, coconut water, herbal tea... keep a mug in hand all week long.

2) Oil up: Applying oil before bathing is best, but don’t let that stop you from applying any kind of hydration to your skin. Accessibility is king.

3) Nasya: apply ghee or oil to the nasal passages as well!

4) Healthy fats: don’t forget your omegas! Add an extra bit of oil or ghee to your food this week. True hydration starts within the GI tract.

5) Humidifier and Diffuser: essential oils connect to the limbic system and can support healthy emotional release

This should all leave space for deeper emotional support be well.


Mercury goes Direct: Less is More


Mercury Retrograde Jan 30th 10:52am EST in sidereal Aquarius in Dhanishtha: LISTEN, says the Star of Symphony, THEN DANCE