Mercury goes Direct: Less is More


Mercury goes Direct: Less is More

On Feb 20th at 17:52 EST Mercury is shifting out of being retrograde. While this often is followed by cheers all around, don’t forget: the retrograde energy (miscommunication, missteps, feeling like withdrawing, rehashing conversations in your head, etc) can feel heightened the 5 days before and after it shifts. So a little extra care, understanding and forgiveness goes a long way right now. The next week has some big shifts taking place (forecast to come). These Mercury remedies might help you to better manage and process what’s on your plate:
1) This next week: less is more. Review and reconsider communications, then edit down.
2) Practice alternate nostril breathing to help calm the mind and nourish the nervous system:
3) Take a moment to make sure your day is comprised of what feels in flow. This does not release us from our responsibilities, but rather helps us avoid the “shoulds” we often create. Shravana (the sign connected to AUM) is prominent now (see whirling dervish post) reminding us to tune in(ward) and to take inspired action from there. Often times music, movement and dance help us to get back into alignment and into the flow.

And support the Moon…
It has been intense time for the Moon: our emotions, mindset, our sense of security, and connections to our homes. The Moon has been negotiating with challenging planets and tricky configurations for the bulk of February. Many of us have taken space for self-care while some have fully withdrawn. Now that Mercury is shifting and the Moon is journeying outside of the “kala sarpa yoga” in the sky, it’s time to (briefly) reflect on the past month – not to dwell on events, but to recognize where we have grown and shifted in our hearts and minds.

How have we navigated this time? Have we been tuning inward? Listening to ourselves? Letting our true paths guide us? Have we been trusting in our inner knowing? Or have we been falling prey to old habits, old emotional patterns and reactions, old ideas of who we are in the world often created by others?

There is no room for judgement, self-criticism or regret. Just honoring what has been, what is becoming, and recognizing we are all being asked to carry a lot – even if people don’t know the depth of it. How we carry the load is everything. And each day, the Moon gives us a chance to reflect, tune inward, adjust our stance and release what isn’t in alignment. These subtle internal shifts are the most profound right now, but they can’t be measured immediately. They are like the slightest turn of the wheel that brings us to a completely different destination further down the road. This idea has come up frequently over the past few months, and the Moon (because it is enduring a lot during February and March) is magnifying it and helping us to keep our hands steady on the wheel while we navigate the transitions and changes to our paths. The upcoming Mars-Rahu connection will push everything to a new level (forecast coming), so keep the Mercury and Moon supportive practices going. These planets help us to be clear about what is “right” and “true” for each of us.


Feb 21-April 13: Mars shifts into sidereal Taurus joining Rahu: Shifts & Eruptions on the “Earth” Plane


Moon joins cluster of planets in sidereal Capricorn: No More Drama