Feb 21-April 13: Mars shifts into sidereal Taurus joining Rahu: Shifts & Eruptions on the “Earth” Plane

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Buckle up: the next 7.5 weeks is going to be a wild ride. Mars is joining Rahu in sidereal Taurus – a powerful combo that can create fast action that many can’t keep up with. Rahu and Mars together can create incredible healing, having the ability to remove stagnation. We can expect to see this within us and around us as the next few weeks will challenge us, uprooting and reorganizing aspects of the stubborn “Taurus earth element” in our lives. This can manifest as transformation within our bodies (with a strong focus on the blood and muscles), in our relationships (especially our intimate ones), in our physical spaces (like our homes and properties), and in our connection to abundance (with Rahu’s foreign/crypto currencies in the spotlight). These planets in this sign can create surges and even explosions – volcanic eruptions, which already occur frequently each year but will likely increase during this time.

There is often a sense of urgency present when these two planets connect, so managing our responses – not reactions –is key. This configuration can be disruptive and chaotic, and requires caution. Thankfully, Taurus is a slow and very grounded sign, so these planets will have some built in restraint, bringing our focus to the physical and material. The real purpose of this specific planetary connection is to help untangle, uproot and replant us – to become “swastha” – situated in the self and more deeply aligned. Taurus is a bull, but Rahu and Mars are here to help us get on track and fast. Some ideas to support us during this time:
1. Focus on building, strengthening and moving the blood (rakta dhatu in Ayurveda). Ask your practitioner about having a blood panel done if it’s been a while so you can know your own starting point.
2. Foods and herbs to favor: beets, carrots, dark leafy greens, peas, beans, legumes, eggs (yolks), cherries, dried fruits (raisins, dates, apricots and prunes) turmeric, ginger, nettle, parsley, dandelion, ashwagandha. Vitamin C helps process blood builders and integrate iron.
3. Anchor into your seat by practicing pelvic breathing. Meditate and visualize your roots growing into the earth.
4. Spend time in nature. Bring earth element into your home with plants and starting seeds for your garden.
5. Strengthen the muscles (mamsa dhatu) with weight-bearing and weightlifting. Go steady and try not to overdo it. These planets need attention, not indulgence.
6. Create simple action steps for the next 2 months to help you stay focused and grounded. Set timers to stay on track and give yourself time to play. Rahu needs blinders on but will walk away if it feels too constrained. Mars needs direction in how to be most effective.

As we can understand, Rahu and Mars can be incredibly transformative helping us soar to the top, or crash and burn if they are not intentionally focused and well-bridled. Mars will be in exact conjunction with Rahu on March 26 creating an intensification of all of this. Extra awareness and caution are necessary on and around this day. How we respond to this time of regrouping and re-rooting will be everything. Be well!


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