FULL MOON in MULA: Create Space


There will be a FULL MOON in a degree of Sagittarius called “Mula” on June 24th at 14:40 eastern time. Mula, whose means “roots” in Sanskrit, is inquisitive and ambitious, and dives into the depths of things without judgment, without shame, and with a purpose of breaking up whatever could be blocking it. In doing so, it fearlessly goes to the heart of the matter and is capable of overcoming great challenges.

Mula’s presiding deity is Nirriti, the Goddess of Destruction, Dissolution and Sorrows, who is often compared to Dhumavati or Kali, as these 3 share the purpose of destroying the ego as part of their interaction with us on our spiritual paths. Nirriti encourages us to actively release from whatever is in our way, even if it stirs up sorrow and hardship. Nirriti and Mula remind us that pain is inevitable, but the emotional response is up to us.

The Full Moon in Mula benefits from engaging in sharp and fearless acts. Purging and cleansing on every level such as fasting, tackling clutter or letting go of unhealthy associations are highly supported. Remember that purging in any capacity is a mental and emotional process, so be prepared to approach it with the mindset of letting go – to the root of the attachment. This drive to create space will likely arise in us over this Full Moon time, whether it is within our physical spaces, our bodies, or in our mental-emotional-spiritual lives.

This Full Moon is giving us an opportunity to get to the bottom of why we interact and respond the way we do, to uncover the truth and to dissolve any unhealthy attachments to falsehoods we may carry. As Lakshmi’s older sister, Nirriti makes us to clear the path of illusion so we can ultimately allow for abundance and love to come our way. The process isn’t always easy, however the rewards are unmatched.

Some questions to ask:

-What are you feeling compelled to release right now?

-What is causing you the most sorrow right now? What’s beneath that?

-Are you being asked to go deeper into an aspect of your life?

-Is there any resistance, fear or pride blocking your way?

-What will it feel like when you have created this space in your life?


Mars-Saturn Opposition: a very intense time… keep your efforts going, think outside the box — and make sure to incorporate rest


Jupiter Retrograde: Make the vision manageable to prevent burnout