MARS-RAHU in ARIES June 26-Aug 10: Focus on the track, or create chaos in the field?

MARS-RAHU in ARIES June 26-Aug 10: Focus on the track, or create chaos in the field?

Mars typically joins Rahu for 6 weeks every 18 years. When they connect, we see intensity and eruptions in the element the planets are in. This year, they will be together in sidereal Aries, ruled by the element of fire. In the past*, this configuration has brought about explosions, uprisings and violence. It also fueled massive mobilization as well as technological innovation. While we can’t control what happens in the world, we can control how we respond.

Aries is the first fire sign and burns brightly and with passion. It is brave, impatient and a trailblazer. Mars gives us energy, strength and courage, and is ready to leap into action at a moment’s notice. When inspired, it can be an incredible activist. Rahu is a wild card and a bit of a rascal who can do the amazing things, but needs direction to be effective. Mars and Rahu in Aries can be highly motivated, encouraging us to keep pushing forward. But they can also be reckless and create upheaval if not well-organized. If we lack the internal reserves or don’t know when to slow down, this combo can create burnout as it can make us feverishly fly into ungrounded re/action.

On the flipside, if eager and well-prepared, it can make tremendous leaps and accomplish the unimaginable. Think of Mars and Rahu in Aries like a horse preparing to run a race. In order to win, it requires blinders and a clear and attainable goal, otherwise it will create chaos on the track. Both planets need containment to a degree in order to be effective. Mars is a fire planet in a fire sign, is at its best when set to accomplish a task. Rahu is an ether element shadow planet without a body. Without some structure and organization, these two can create Santa Ana-like winds that spread fire uncontrollably. While “blinders” are helpful for this planetary combo, the biggest challenge for the next 6 weeks will also be to have the discipline to focus, have direction and patience – in most everything! But this planetary combo can’t be contained forever. Free time to play and think outside the box is also critical. And yet, if you give these planets an inch, they will take a mile! Be clear on what your limits are, and what works for you and those you love.

Action is key during this time, and so the old adage “think globally act locally” might just be the best mindset for those wanting to engage but also feeling threadbare. Mars and Rahu in Aries is happy to take risks and is capability of doing hard things. But it can be impulsive, explosive, reactive and even dangerous. Taking well measured steps will be challenging with Mars and Rahu in Aries but also critical for the next 6 weeks. How do we personally manage this intensity? Look to remedies to support our interactions with these very fiery planets (

Some key ideas:

• While we can expect the unexpected the next 6 weeks, what’s best is to know how you will respond. This goes back to having strong inner reserves, having a plan, and remaining calm in the face of chaos.

• Have structure to your days. For ex: allocating days of the week, hours of the day or setting timers for certain activities – including free time – is helpful. To reiterate: these planets can only be contained for just so long. Down time is necessary to decrease cortisol levels and to discover new paths and solutions!

• If you intend on protesting, be mindful and know the lay of the land as best as possible:

• If outside, triple check that campfires (and firework remnants) have been completely extinguished.

• Build physical strength, focusing on oxygenation and building the blood and muscles. Liver support and red blood cell boosting is recommended. Foods to favor: beets, red lentils and other legumes, dark leafy greens, dried fruit, eggs (especially the yolk), ginger, milk thistle. Chloroxygen helps oxygenate the blood, as does Pranayama (focused and intentional breathing).

• If you are easily angered or irritated, this is a time to transform this energetic. Some of the blood building foods could be too heating so focus instead on cooling “pitta-reducing” foods: favor cucumber, coconut water, cilantro, watermelon, celery, apples, and to try avoid caffeine, alcohol and smoking.

• Take action and engage, but don’t push yourself to the point of exhaustion.

*Some specifics about the past and this moment now:

From July 12-Feb 6, Rahu will be in Bharani. Mars will be in Bharani July 15-Aug 5. This degree of Aries is symbolized by the “yoni” or female reproductive organ, and its ruling deities are Yama the god of death, and Shakti, who is Shiva’s wife and is a fierce warrior considered to be the embodiment of feminine power and creative energy. When Rahu was in Bharani in the past, it brought about devastating events that rocked the world, such as the Space Shuttle explosion, the Chernobyl disaster, Ghandi’s assassination, and the Apollo 1 cockpit fire, to name a few. It also was present in the sky when the Spirit Rover landed on Mars, and when Facebook was launched, both events which have changed our societies forever. This planetary combination also brings about strong activism and was prominent during the largest March on DC for Women’s Rights in April 2004. At the moment Roe v. Wade was overturned, the Moon was in Bharani sitting with Rahu. Knowing Bharani will be prominent in the sky intensely for the next 6 weeks and then through early February, it will be helpful to keep a long-haul mindset with any activism you are drawn to or personal changes you are going through. We have to start with a sprint then move into the marathon, all the while remembering that Bharani is capable of breakthroughs and overcoming great adversity.

Dates to remember and to practice caution as they can be triggering for some:

Mars enters Aries and joins Rahu: June 26-Aug 10

Rahu in Bharani: July 12-Feb 6

Mars enters Bharani: July 15-Aug 5

Mars exact conjunction with Rahu in Bharani: Aug 1

Mars in Taurus: Aug 10, 2022 – March 12, 2023: this will be an unusually long transit of Mars which normally takes about 45 days to go through a sign. Mars in Taurus will turn our focus to re-establishing our roots and becoming more “swastha” (situated in the self), and specifically in our first and second chakras and in our throats / voices.



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