New Moon in Ardra June 28th 22:51pm eastern time: There’s a storm coming / We can do hard things

New Moon in Ardra June 28th 22:51pm eastern time: There’s a storm coming / We can do hard things

Nothing comes easily with this New Moon in Ardra, a very intense degree of sidereal Gemini. Ardra, whose name means “moist” in Sanskrit, is a harsh destroyer, with a purpose to clear the path for new growth. Thankfully, this New Moon has the ability to overcome difficulties, and does so with intense effort and sharp intellect. Ardra is not one to shy away from a challenge. Like its ruling deity Rudra, the god of storms who is an aspect of Shiva, the destroyer of evil and misery, Ardra is drawn to eradicating the problem at the roots. Often times this may look like complete destruction at first. But, like coal transforming into a diamond, Ardra, who is said to “shine like a gem,” has the ability to withstand pressure and come out stronger and more brilliant than before.


While it is a fierce sign, that doesn’t mean it doesn’t get emotionally affected by the task and process. It absolutely does and uses the tears (one of the sign’s symbols) to create clarity of mind as well as moisture beneath its feet for fertility and new growth. There’s a subtle Saturnian influence to this New Moon (bc of the 2nd pada degrees) which reminds us whatever we are confronting will require diligence, steady commitment and above all sustainability. This New Moon is fierce and exhausting, so roll up your sleeves and get ready to work for the ideas you want to bring forth in your world.


Along with Saturn retrograde, who is about to roll back into Capricorn, Ketu is also connecting with this Ardra New Moon, making us revisit issues from the past. We have been here before, in our personal lives and very clearly in many areas on the global stage. Ketu is in Vishakha, the sign of patience, persistence and ultimate victory, reiterating the long haul energetic that is necessary with Rahu (soon to be) in Bharani.


While this is a challenging time in so many ways, it is fascinating that this New Moon cycle is ruled by Shiva while his counterpart Shakti rules the Bharani connection in the sky. Shiva and Shakti are uniting, and together they can create and accomplish anything. 

How to support: The Mercury and Rahu connection of Ardra indicate strain to the mind and nervous system. These planets do well with the support of oils and healthy fats. Practicing “abhyanga” (Ayurvedic self-massage) is an excellent way to support both of these energetics. (Please read article to see if you can do this: .) Steady and grounding pranayama (focused breathwork) is also beneficial for grounding the nervous system (info and how to also on the resources page). Dry brushing will also help to move the lymph and any water retention in the body. Allow yourself a good cry to help clear the stuck emotions.


Supreme Court: Ardra has a strong correlation to drugs and pharmaceuticals. It would not be surprising if the Supreme Court focused next on contraception, especially as Venus was in Ardra in the chart of when Griswold v. Connecticut was decided on June 7, 1965.



July 13: Full Moon in Uttara Ashadha: Keep Focused, You got this / Saturn rolls back into Capricorn


MARS-RAHU in ARIES June 26-Aug 10: Focus on the track, or create chaos in the field?