Lunar Eclipse: What path will you take?

Total Lunar Eclipse/Full Moon: Monday, May 16, 2022 12:14 a.m. eastern time in 1°08 sidereal Scorpio, Vishakha: What decisions are up for you to make? What path will you take? Just take it one step at a time.

Eclipses bring about our karma, reveal secrets, and shed light on areas of our lives that have been hiding in the shadows. The Lunar Eclipse in Vishakha this Sunday/Monday is turning our attention to the fork in the road and the new path emerging, however subtle or obvious it may be in your own life. Vishakha, a degree of Scorpio whose name in Sanskrit means “forked” and is known as “the star of purpose,” is prominent now and reminds us that anything worth doing takes patience, determination and commitment. The shadow side of Vishakha being brought to light now is that it can be an overachiever who can try to do too many things at once, which can result in disappointment, aggression and exhaustion. This is a time of making decisions mindfully and purposefully, and of honoring your own pace.

As Vishakha is ruled by Mars and Jupiter, the Lunar Eclipse is encouraging us to stay steady and strong, and to have faith in ourselves even if the new road isn’t as fluid as we’d like it to be. We will need to remind ourselves over the next 6 months (how long eclipses can take to manifest) that goals are achieved over time, and that we may need to pause every now and then to reorganize our journey.

This Lunar Eclipse is ruled by Agni, the god of fire, and so brings our attention to our internal fires: the digestive enzymes needed to process the nutrition we take in and filter out the “toxins” we encounter, and the emotional and intellectual fire we need to stay involved and motivated. If “agni” internally gets disturbed (as in liver/GB, GI tract/microbiome health), so does our ability to stay excited to keep moving forward. It will be helpful to have regular checks-ins to see how your drive is doing since the energy for the rest of 2022 is about slow and sustainable action steps. We have back-to-back retrogrades through October: now with Mercury, soon with Saturn, Jupiter and then Mars, and again in December with Venus retro. Expect the journey ahead to have that “two steps forward, one step back – just keep moving forward” vibe to it. Adding in moments of reflection/review/assessment will help us to not feel like things are falling apart when the retrogrades show up.

Looking at this eclipse, the planetary configurations we are working with and some major Mars connections coming up (more on that soon), it seems the planets really wants us to be more careful about the decisions we are making, keeping authenticity in our choices and sustainability in our action plans at the forefront. We don’t want to extinguish our agni – our internal fires – because we are juggling too much, or pushing and pushing just to hit some imagined goal we created for ourselves. When we overwhelm ourselves and push too hard, we can diminish our agni, which can look like burnout and feeling listless. Let’s not do that! Additionally, Vishakha connects to the breasts and can signal issues with nourishment. Between the Solar and Lunar Eclipse energy of purging/cleansing and nourishment, it’s an excellent time to look at diet and lifestyle habits, and make adjustments to regularly incorporate autophagy (such as fasting) so the nutrition we do take in does what we want it to do. (The resources page of my website has recommendations for how to keep agni strong as well as resources for proper food combining:

*Recap: looking back / looking ahead: The planets are supporting us to create a new space for ourselves in the world that is in more authentic alignment than ever before, even if it seems we are taking a few steps backwards when eclipses and retrogrades hit. The Solar Eclipse on April 30 was in Bharani, the sign of birth/death, of hard work and creativity which often involves a major purging (Yama, the god of death, is its ruling deity). This Lunar Eclipse is in Vishakha, the sign of perseverance, who triumphs over time. The Total Lunar Eclipse on Nov 8, 2022 will again be in Bharani. Mars will be in Bharani in July with Rahu, and then Rahu will stay in Bharani for the rest of the year. The eclipses are showing us what we have to focus on, and are ushering this new energy in with intensity and often times the chaos that comes with the releasing/creation process. Meanwhile the retrogrades are going to throw temporary obstacles in our way throughout the year to slow us down and make us revise our plans. Bharani’s message is to honor your creative process and the new you emerging, even if it feels like too much to handle at times. Vishakha’s message is to recognize it takes time and focused effort to move forward, even if it seems difficult at first.



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