Happy Vedic New Year! (It’s a hopeful one)


Happy Vedic New Year! I would like to share a reassuring excerpt from the American College of Vedic Astrology newsletter which is very hopeful and in alignment with the recent forecasts and shifts in the sky:

“This year, in the *Vedic Calendar, is named "PLAVA" which means 'that which ferries us across...'

The Varaha Samhita says: this year will ferry the world across unbearable difficulties and reach us to a state of glory. Take us from darkness to light.

Past and present years

2019: was named ‘Vikari’ lived up to its name by being a ‘repulsive’ year.

2020: was named ‘Sharvari’ meaning darkness did push the world into a dark place.

2021: named ‘PLAVA’ meaning ‘to cross over’, the year would enable us to cross the hurdles and help the world regain its glory.

Future years

2022: is named ‘Shubhkrut’ meaning that which creates prosperity and glory.

2023: is named ‘Shobhakrut’ meaning that which creates brilliance.”

(*The Vedic New Year occurs when the Sun enters sidereal Aries, as it just did. The chart for the new Vedic year is based on the new moon when the Sun and Moon conjoin.)

The recent new moon in Revati is significant in that it is connected to journeys ahead and is the bridging planetary event from last (*Vedic) new year (spring 2020) to this new year (beginning now). It is a new year for us all and things will begin to get better. We are in the end of a different 5 year Vedic cycle that ends in 2022 which coincides with Saturn’s move into sidereal Aquarius. As mentioned in previous forecasts and live chats, this year is about releasing from the past and our old ways of being, and envisioning and moving forward into a new life. We are walking across that bridge into the new.

“Graha” is the word in Sanskrit for planet. “Graha” also means “to grasp.” Often times we as naturally attached beings can hold on to events and emotions from the past, reliving them or having them subconsciously influence us. For example: it’s not uncommon for someone who has been through a confusing Ketu time in their charts to not trust that things will shift and get better, or for someone leaving a difficult Saturn period to not believe life will get easier.**

**These are gross generalizations with these two as not everyone experiences planets in the same way. The idea here is the planets certainly do have a hold on us, and even once their grasp has been released, we can still feel like we are in its clutches. Once they move forward, we must too.

We are finishing a 5 year time period (from 2017-2022) where challenges are heightened globally. We are at the end of this and as a collective, we are in a place of letting go from the past - especially the last 4 years and even more into this next year. Keep the vision of the bridge in your mind as you walk through this next year.

While there are many ways to let go, meditating during the predawn “Brahma Muhurta” hours is a simple and beautiful method to implement. The (simplified) idea is that we meditate for 45 minutes during the 1.5 hours before sunrise. (There is a lot written on this and exactly when this sacred portal is open, but I have found this to be the easiest way to figure it out.) It is said that during these hours, we are able to gently unravel our old attachments and sorrows and release from the past through silent meditation. Many have reported shifts in their thinking and a lightening in their being after engaging meditation during this time. As we walk across the bridge this year, let’s each do whatever we can to let go of the old in order to embrace the new. Happy Vedic New Year!


Full Moon in Swati: Nourish the Seedlings


Mars in sidereal Gemini, Sun and Mercury in Aries: Vroom Vroom!