MARS goes RETROGRADE in sidereal ARIES on Sept 9 at 18:23 eastern time until Nov 13 at 19:36


MARS goes RETROGRADE in sidereal ARIES on Sept 9 at 18:23 eastern time until Nov 13 at 19:36.

Mars is the warrior and highlights desires, eagerness, taking action, being brave, being an activist or a trailblazer. It can be quick or impulsive, and even combative, explosive or aggressive.

Whenever Mars comes around and gets amplified in the sky as it is now, it brings friction and a bit of discomfort. The days before and after it formally shifts (Sept 9) tend to magnify its backwards moving energy and can make it trickier to manage or to move forward. Frustrations may be high and patience low. Sensitive beings may feel exhausted by the shift, so be prepared to nap and not be as productive as you’d like during the days surrounding the shift.

While retrograde, we get a chance to look into our own Mars expressions. Some questions to consider: What are you passionate about? What have you lost interest in? What exhausts you? What have you been taking action on? Where have you been procrastinating? What battles are worth the fight? What are you ready to release from? What’s been a source of tension? Is a new path of action presenting?

Mars retrograde isn’t a time that is supportive of major external movement or massive striving, unless it’s an idea that’s been on the back burner and you finally feel motivated to take action.

NB: Mars is working us over until the end of 2020, so truly take this retrograde time to focus on its expressions in your life and be honest with yourself if it is time to shift how you work with Mars. As retrogrades always seem to stir up old emotions for people, don’t be surprised if old arguments and upsets rise up again. This time, how will you manage them? Mars in Aries does well with “working the issues out of the tissues” so exercise and yoga the irritation away. Yin yoga would be particularly supportive now, as would “trataka,” the meditation practice that begins with staring at the flame of a candle.

(Expect to see these ideas resurface again if they haven’t been dealt with after Dec 24 - Feb 2021 as Mars will be back in sidereal Aries then.)

The higher expression of retrogrades is to pause, reflect, reassess and reembark on the (adjusted) path connected to that particular planet. For individuals who are on a path of conscious evolution, retrograde times can be incredibly reflective and insightful, although not exactly comfortable. However, for society at large, managing retrogrades with grace and mindfulness can be a challenge. Be well and stay safe these days.


JUPITER Retrograde now Stationing Direct


Sept 2, 2020 FULL MOON in the Sign of the Hundred Healers