JUPITER Retrograde now Stationing Direct


*JUPITER Retrograde now Stationing Direct*

*When planets shift above us, we see the shifts on the public stage and also in subtle ways within ourselves. September is a time of unprecedented massive planetary shifting and rare planetary configurations, some that haven’t happened in hundreds or even thousands of years, and some that won’t happen again for hundreds of years. One thing is abundantly clear: remaining the same is not an option.

Sept 12: Jupiter stations direct in 23°15 sidereal Sagittarius at 20:41 eastern time. It will stay here until it rolls forward into sidereal Capricorn on November 20, 2020 at 2:54am eastern time.

Jupiter has been retrograde in Sagittarius, calling attention to our trust and faith, our beliefs and spirituality, our vision and our leaders. Jupiter has also been sitting with Ketu (the south node of the moon which is shifting in a week), creating doubt, confusion and illusion. When they move away from each other after Sept 19, we will be able to sift through what’s been presented while it’s been retrograde over the last few months, and become clearer on our stances, on our beliefs, and feel more grounded within ourselves.

Meanwhile, Saturn has been retrograde in sidereal Capricorn, calling attention to authority, stability, status, order, and helping others. Both planets are in their own signs (like many other planets this month) adding strength to their effects in our lives.

While retrograde, these planets have been making us reassess our connections to these areas of life. When these two heavy hitters go direct (Jupiter on September 12th and Saturn on September 29th), we will begin to see the application of these ideas in our lives and in our communities. We will be making this overarching massive shift from confusion to beginning to feel more grounded within. Beliefs we have been grappling with will start to settle in. Truths that have been muddled will start to become clear. The great pause we have been feeling and fighting since May will begin to lessen so forward movement can start. The changes that have been bubbling will start to show up.

However, this process is not fast or simple, and things will get amplified and even dangerous, especially around Sept 11-12 when the Moon sits in Ardra with chaotic Rahu. Ardra is a very intense degree of Gemini connected to releasing old beliefs and ideas. Ardra, whose name means “moist” in Sanskrit, is a harsh destroyer, with a purpose to clear the path for new growth.

We are seeing this already on the earth plane with the devastating fires the west coast is experiencing. Very sadly, the sensitive fire sign degrees the already fiery planets Mars and Ketu are in unfortunately magnify the fire producing effects the specific configurations have. We have been dealing with “gandanta” tied knot energy since early August, and will continue to do so through the middle of October. To reiterate from previous forecasts: these sensitive gandanta degrees create fires and floods on the earth plane and within our emotional bodies.

Dig deep into your practices now (see September forecast for suggestions if you need them). While it’s not over yet, things will start to shift that have been stuck for much of this year. It will take time and it won’t be smooth for many. When presented with change on such a deep level as we are and have been for most of 2020, many buck against it with groups of people being especially resistant. It takes individuality, courage and stepping out of our own way to embrace the changes. We are working with the macro and micro levels now, from the larger public scale to the personal and private. Massive changes are upon us, and they aren’t going away quickly. The pressure is real, so take extra care of yourself and your sensitive ones around you. As Jupiter represents children, focusing on their needs this month will help them - and will indirectly support us too.

This quote seems so fitting for where we are now in that it’s terrifying and awesome at the same time:

“We have forsaken the land and gone to sea! We have destroyed the bridge behind us – more so, we have demolished the land behind us! Now, little ship, look out! Beside you is the ocean; it is true, it does not always roar, and at times it lies there like silk and gold and dreams of goodness. But there will be hours when you realize that it is infinite and that there is nothing more awesome than infinity.”
-Friedrich Nietzsche

Be well, and stay safe and healthy everyone.


Sept 17 at 7:00am eastern time: NEW MOON in UTTARA PHALGUNI: GIVE and RECEIVE HELP and SUPPORT


MARS goes RETROGRADE in sidereal ARIES on Sept 9 at 18:23 eastern time until Nov 13 at 19:36